How to Combat Thinning Hair

Turn on the TV or flip through a magazine and you’re bound to see an ad showcasing luscious, healthy hair and the products that can bring those results to life. It’s enough to give you a serious case of hair envy.

The truth is, hair comes in a variety of lengths, textures, colors, and thickness. Sometimes no amount of miracle product can change any of that in a meaningful way. To make matters worse, many people experience thinning hair which can further chip away at one’s self-esteem. Luckily, hair doesn’t thin overnight, which means with early detection you can pinpoint the cause of the thinning and determine the best course of action.

Here are 8 things you can do to improve overall hair health and possibly slow down the thinning process.

Increase your protein intake. Because hair is composed of protein, this nutrient is essential to maintain healthy, shiny, lustrous hair.

Check vitamin and iron levels. Low levels of vitamins D, B12, and iron could slow the rate at which your hair grows and, as such, cause thinning.

Listen to your body. Sudden hair thinning or loss could be an indication of a more serious condition. Consult your doctor to find out more.

Live a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you stay hydrated, get plenty of quality sleep, and exercise regularly. A healthy head of hair depends on it.

Check your stress level. Consistent or high levels of stress can contribute to hair thinning or loss. Take note of any major stressors in your life and find ways to alleviate them if possible. Consult a medical professional if you are having difficulty coping.

Take good care of your scalp. Is your scalp dry, flaky, or itchy? A healthy scalp is crucial to healthy hair. Perhaps yours needs hair products that exfoliate, moisturize, or condition. Consider adding a scalp massage into your routine to improve circulation and reduce stress.

Restore moisture. Over-washing your hair can rob it of natural oils, leaving it dry and brittle. Consider using a gentle conditioner to give your hair a much-needed break from heat styling and over processing.

Don’t put added stress on your hair. Tight ponytails and braids put strain on hair follicles that leads to breakage. Keep your hair loose and free as often as possible.

If, despite all your precautions, hair loss continues to spiral downward, take forward action and contact DiStefano for a free consultation. We’ll help you arrive at the treatment program that promises the best results, which may or may not include a transplant – but there’s only one sure way to find out. We look forward to seeing you.

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