The Relationship Between Hair & Overall Health

Picture this. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and your hair looks great! You just know it’s going to be a great day.

Which only goes to show that the appearance of your hair can play a major role in how you feel about yourself in terms of mood, self-image, and confidence. It’s why the many issues hair can have, like dryness, thinning, or loss, can be such a huge source of frustration. Sure, everyone experiences a bad hair day now and again, but if your locks are going through unusual changes, it might not be due to a “bad hair day”. In fact, the condition of your hair can be an important indicator of your health.

Excessive Shedding

It’s normal to see a wad of hair in the shower drain or on a brush – on average, people shed up to 100 hairs a day. But excessive shedding could point to a more serious condition like a nutritional deficiency, thyroid disease, or anemia. Consult your physician if you notice your hair shedding more than usual.


The use of heat styling, dyes, and other chemical products can all damage your hair. If your hair seems dry year-round, make sure you’re using hair products specially made for your hair type and try to limit heat styling and coloring. If you see no improvement, you may need to add more healthy fats to your diet. Salmon, avocado, and olive oil, for example, help promote hair, skin, and scalp health.


Hair that lacks luster and shine can also indicate a need to add healthy fats to your diet. Salmon, avocado, nuts, chia seeds, and more are packed with Omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats that are important for overall health – hair included.


When styling or simply touching your hair, you shouldn’t hear a crunch. Brittle hair can be a sign of an iron or zinc deficiency, both important for keratin production. Consuming foods high in iron and zinc like lentils and pumpkin seeds can help, as can a multi-vitamin. Consult your primary physician before adding supplements to your diet.

Dry Scalp

A dry, itchy, flaky scalp can be another sign you need to increase your essential fatty acid intake. Sunflower seeds, flaxseed, and fish are not only important for the health of hair follicles, they help moisturize your hair and scalp.


Hair thickness and density vary from person to person. But if your once full, luscious locks are looking a little scant, you may not be getting enough protein. Eggs, fish, poultry, dairy, nuts, beans, and whole grains are all good sources of protein.


While genetics play a significant role in how early (or late) hair begins to gray, loss of pigment at a premature age can signal a copper deficiency. The good news is you probably don’t need much to reap the benefits – seaweed, sesame seeds, and mushrooms can help fight the graying process.

Of course, you can be healthy as a horse but still start losing hair prematurely or otherwise. And at some point, you know it’s simply not going to grow back. Well, DiStefano Hair Restoration give you back a full head of hair through one of our proven hair transplant techniques. Is that an option worth considering? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and let’s find out together.


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