The Facts About Seasonal Hair Loss

Come autumn, leaves aren’t the only things ready to fall. For many, the cooler months also bring an increase in hair shedding. Seeing more hairs on your hairbrush, on the bathroom floor, or in the shower can make you one feel anxious and wonder what might be coming next.

In most cases, the answer is “nothing”. As in, seasonal shedding is a normal, a temporary slot in the human hair growth cycle.


Why does it happen?

While the exact cause of seasonal shedding is unclear, some believe we tend to hang onto more hair during the summer months, July in particular. During this time, hair is in the telogen, or resting, phase. The thought is that we need more hair to provide more protection from the sun. Hairs in the telogen phase typically fall out about 100 days later, which brings us into fall. But fear not, a healthy hair follicle will cycle back to its growth phase.

Should I be concerned?

On average, we shed around 100 hairs each day. If you notice a slight increase in shedding come October and November, there is generally no cause for concern. However, if you notice excessive shedding, bald patches, or scalp discomfort, it may be time to see a doctor as other factors could be at play.

Excessive shedding can be caused by a variety of factors including increased or sudden stress, a shock to your hair or scalp, hormonal changes, illness, medications, and thyroid functions. In many cases, this type of hair loss is temporary; but it could lead to permanent damage if not properly diagnosed and treated.

Things you can do.

  • Take good care of your hair and scalp. Use hair care products that are formulated for your specific hair type and scalp health. For example, a dry scalp and hair may need gentle conditioners and less frequent washing. Fine, thin hair can use a boost from a volumizing shampoo. Oily hair will do better with lighter products that won’t weigh hair down. No matter your hair type or texture, limit heat styling and avoid chemical filled products.\
  • Consider your diet. Hair health and diet go hand in hand. If you’re experiencing unexplained thinning or loss, take a close look at the things you are (or aren’t) putting in your body. Nutrient deficiencies can encourage hair loss, so avoid crash diets that may restrict the vitamin and minerals your hair relies on to stay healthy and strong.

Are you experiencing more hair loss than you consider normal and is it starting to make you feel uncomfortable about your appearance? Then what you need are clear, decisive answers – the kind we routinely provide at DiStefano Hair Restoration Center. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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