The Facts About Beard Transplants

Male facial hair has been in fashion since time immemorial. But over the past 10 years or so, there has been an explosion in popularity from closely shaven to the bushy, Grizzly Adams type.

Today, for example, you even see news anchors and politicians with beards of varying lengths and styles. Athletes in every sport have their faces only slightly to show off the rugged side of their personalities, while others let the beard go where it will.

The ever-growing trend has solidified the beard’s position as a facial hair style, complete with an array of design and texture options. Yet not all men have been blessed with thick, luscious facial hair. So, for those who long to grow a beard, whether full and long or well-coifed and cut short, a beard transplant can now accomplish what genetics and nature couldn’t do on their own.

Read on to learn if a beard transplant might be right for you.

Causes of a Patchy Beard

Many men suffer form beards that look patchy or uneven, often prompting them to simply shave on a regular basis and give up the chase. Some factors that cause beards to look patchy include:

  • Hormones, including lower levels of testosterone
  • Genetics
  • Alopecia which can result in spot baldness
  • Lifestyle factors like stress, not enough sleep, and poor nutrition

Problem, Solution

For those who are not content with a patchy, thin, or uneven beard, a beard transplant offers a permanent, natural-looking solution. Much like a hair transplant, healthy hair is harvested from a donor area and implanted into the beard area of the face. A typical procedure takes four to eight hours, depending on the number of follicles transplanted.

Recovery Process

As you heal from the procedure, you’ll need to keep your face dry for the first week or so. After that, you can gently wash your face. The transplanted area might experience a bit of redness during the first few weeks, though antihistamines can help tame inflammation. It is recommended to avoid strenuous activities like exercise for the first week following the procedure to prevent inflammation. You may also be instructed to use an antibiotic ointment for up to two weeks post-transplant to prevent infection. “Razor burn” like bumps may appear and should vanish within a couple of weeks.

The newly implanted hairs will shed in two to three weeks, and you should notice new growth in three to four months, though sometimes the beard can take up to a year to fully mature. It may be tempting to start trimming or shaving your new beard but doing so can disrupt hair follicles and prevent them from settling into their new location. Wait at least a week before trimming and 10 to 14 days before shaving for best results.

Have new styles escaped you from lack of cooperating facial hair. Then do what men are doing in increasing numbers – contact DiStefano Hair Restoration Center for a free consultation and learn about the various options available to you.

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