The best hair restoration requires the best hair transplant surgeon.

You’ve heard the phrase “results my vary.” It’s especially true when it comes to finding the best hair transplant surgeon.

That’s because great hair transplants come from surgeons who have spent years perfecting their craft and honing their skills. The science of extracting a follicular unit (1-4 hairs) from a small strip of donor hair from the back of the head and transplanting it is straightforward. But, for the graft to look natural, it must be placed so the hair grows at a natural angle. Each follicle must be placed close enough to each other so they will look natural and dense. What the best hair transplant surgeon accomplishes can often be more akin to art than science.

That’s not to diminish the science behind the artistry. Among the best hair transplant techniques is the individual graft technique IGT™.) This more time consuming method involves extracting follicular units from the scalp directly, therefore leaving no visible scarring .

With FUT, a small strip of follicles is removed from the donor area (usually at the back of the head). Then, individual follicular units are removed from the strip under a microscope and transplanted to the donor area.

DiStefano Hair Restoration Center is committed to helping men and women take charge of their appearance and self-esteem through hair restoration options. For more than 16 years, DiStefano has been at the forefront of the hair transplantation industry, and has performed more than 5,000 successful hair transplant procedures.

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