Stop Hair Loss with the Appropriate Hair Regrowth Therapy

hair regrowthFor most people, hair loss is more than a mere physical change. The condition entails significant psychological and psychosocial effects that may severely diminish a person’s self-esteem. Thankfully, however, such effects can be negated by growing the hair back by means of hair regrowth therapy.

Understanding the Effects of Hair Loss

Hair loss can be extremely stressful to those who are suffering from it. In some cases, these people even require psychological treatments just to help them cope up with the situation. It’s sad but true.

As numerous studies show, hair loss can lead to reduced self-confidence, severe emotional stress and anxiety. It may even affect a person’s social and professional life, and decrease his or her intimate relations as well. For some, it may also serve as a constant reminder that they are battling with a serious medical condition such as cancer.

Hair Regrowth Therapy – Know Your Options

There are a number of ways by which you can encourage hair regrowth. Here are some of the options available to you.

Hair Regrowth Medications

There are two primary hair regrowth medications that are proven safe and effective in dealing with such conditions – Propecia (finasteride) and Minoxidil (Rogaine). Propecia is a once-a-day hair regrowth pill used in treating male pattern baldness while Minoxidil is an antihypertensive medication which encourages hair regrowth. Both of these medications can be used safely and effectively for men but only Minoxidil can be prescribed for women who are experiencing hair loss.

Low level laser technology (LLLT)

The laser comb technology has recently been approved by the FDA as an effective way to promote hair growth in men. Basically, the laser comb emits low-power laser onto the scalp to activate the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which may in turn, encourage hair re-growth and stop hair loss. This device works exceptionally well with various hair growth medications in bringing about the desired results.

Schedule Hair Restoration Consultation

DiStefano Hair Restoration Center is committed to helping men and women take charge of their appearance and self-esteem through hair restoration options. For more than 16 years, DiStefano has been at the forefront of the hair transplantation industry, and has performed more than 5,000 successful hair transplant procedures.

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