“Cutting your hair makes it grow faster.”
“Plucking a gray hair makes more grey hairs grow.”
“Brushing your hair 100 strokes at a time makes it healthier.”
We’ve heard these – and other such sayings – time and again. So much so that we start to take them as fact. Yet with just a few clicks of the keyboard, most can easily be debunked. If fact, believing and following certain hair-related myths can damage your hair.
So, what’s fact and what’s fiction in the world of hair? Read on to find out.
Frequent washing damages hair. While hair typically doesn’t need to be washed daily, keeping it clean is essential to its health. Sweat, oil, and styling products can build up and clog hair follicles, which can slow down or stop growth.
Shampoo oily hair daily. A contradiction to the first myth, but still false. Washing oily hair daily is counterproductive. Over-washing strips your hair and scalp of sebum, a naturally occurring oil, so your body over-compensates and produces more, resulting in a vicious cycle. Wash your hair every other day with a quality shampoo and conditioner specially formulated for your hair type.
Plucking one gray hair makes more grow. This is simply false. The number of gray hairs you’ll have is not determined by how many you pluck. What plucking does do is put stress on the hair follicle and scalp, which can inhibit healthy hair growth. So put the tweezers down anyway.
Trimming your hair makes it grow faster. Regular hair cuts don’t help your hair grow. Instead, they keep slit ends at bay, which leads to overall healthier hair.
Change your shampoo every six months. The belief is that over time, your hair gets used to a product, making that product less effective. On the contrary, switching shampoos and conditioners too often can throw off your pH balance and lead to a dry scalp, hair breakage, and lack of moisture.
Wigs and weaves prevent hair damage. Many believe wigs and weaves protect hair from harsh styling techniques, products, and the elements. The truth is that while they can give your natural hair a break, overuse can lead to tangling, dryness, and breakage around the hairline. Take special care of your hair with the right shampoo, conditioner, and treat your scalp to a massage two to three times a week to help redistribute natural oils and control itchiness.
Go to bed with wet hair to prevent damage. When hair is wet, the cuticles are not completely sealed. The friction between wet hair and the pillow can cause frizz and hair damage. Let your hair fully dry or use a hair dryer on a low setting before going to bed. Switch to a silk or satin pillowcase to further reduce friction.
Use natural oils for healthier hair. Natural oils like avocado and coconut, when used in a professional hair product, can do wonders for your hair. Used alone, they are simply too heavy, leaving behind a residue that can be hard to wash out. What’s more, they cannot penetrate the hair shaft to improve hair in any meaningful way.
The more you brush your hair, the healthier it will become. Another myth. Excessive brushing can damage the cuticle and cause breakage. Brush your hair when needed and leave it alone the rest of the time.
Towel-drying is better than blow-drying. Might sound good in theory but using a hair dryer at the right temperature and right distance can be better for your hair than towel-drying. The movements in towel-drying can be rough on your hair and lead to breakage. Squeeze your hair rather with a soft type than rubbing it.
On the other hand, let’s say you’ve been a faithful follower of certain hair myths and other habits not conducive to health hair. Uh-oh, because one possible consequence is hair thinning or premature baldness. Has that happened to you? If so, contact DiStefano Hair Restoration Center today for a free consultation…together, we’ll develop a plan to restore your full head of healthy hair.