How to Stimulate Hair Growth

Waiting for your hair to grow can feel like watching paint dry. Unfortunately, the paint will long be dry before you notice a difference in the length of your hair. And while it’s hard to pinpoint exactly how fast hair grows, since the growth rate varies, one can expect to see about half an inch of hair growth per month.

Several factors influence hair growth. Some you can control, like personal hair care. Other growth rate factors, like genetics, are beyond your control. Men’s hair tends to grow faster than women’s – unless a woman is pregnant, which can speed up the process. Even the seasons impacts the rate at which your hair grows; it’s slower in the winter months and faster during summer.

If you’re looking for ways to safely promote hair growth, whatever the reason, here are some things to consider.


The way to a healthy head of hair might just be through your stomach. A nutritious, balanced diet filled with such nutrients as vitamin C, niacin, and iron will help keep your hair looking its best while support healthy hair growth. Stock up on these super foods:

  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Avocado
  • Olive Oil
  • Nuts
  • Berries
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Whole Grains
  • Beans
  • And many others rich in biotin, protein, and omega-3

Scalp Health

Not surprisingly, your scalp plays a major role in overall hair health. Except that those who use chemical-packed hair care products subject their scalps to routine beatings. Here’s how to show your scalp more TLC:

  • Wash your hair regularly, but don’t over-wash.
  • Avoid using harsh or abrasive hair products.
  • Use hot styling tools sparingly and avoid getting too close to the scalp.
  • Hair is most fragile while wet, so use a specialized wet brush to prevent damage.
  • Sleep on a silk pillowcase instead of cotton.
  • Use natural conditioners, masks, or treatments to moisturize and strengthen hair.
  • Get regular trims to encourage hair to grow, especially if it seems like you’ve hit a plateau.

And now for a different perspective.  Let’s say your hair is growing fine on some areas of your scalp but, in others, you have no hair at all. That’s when it’s time to contact DiStefano Hair Restoration Center to see if we can give you back hair to cover your entire scalp. Contact us today for a free consultation and let’s discover, together, what kind of surgical magic we can work for you.

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