There is a proper time for everything. This includes hair growth. You may not realize it but hair grows at different times. In fact, there are three phases: Anagen, Catagen and Telogen phases. After a hair loss restoration procedure, the transplanted hair begins to grow normally and the three cycles of hair growth return.
Anagen Phase
In the anagen phase (also know as the growth phase), the hair grows from two to six years, depending on genetics. During this time the hair grows at it’s maximum rate. The papilla reproduce to create hair fibers and the papilla burrows deeper into the dermis to help nourish the hair strand. Approximately 85% of the hair is in the anagen phase at any one time. During the anagen phase the hair grows about a half inch per month. The length of the anagen phase also determines the longest someone can grow their hair. For example, someone with a three-year anagen phase can grow their hair about 18 inches. Someone with a six-year cycle can have hair as long as three feet!
Catagen Phase
During the Catagen phase, the body sends out hormones and hair growth ceases. This phase is important because it allows the hair follicle to renew itself. The catagen phase typically lasts about two weeks. During this time, the papilla detaches from the hair, it falls out and the entire follicle shrinks to about a sixth of its normal size.
Telogen Phase
About 15% of hair on the scalp are in the telogen phase at any one time. These hairs are said to be dormant and the period lasts anywhere from two to four months. While the hair itself is dormant, the skin cells around the hair still grow and tend to anchor the hair in place. This allows the hair to remain without taxing the body to grow the hair. Of course, when hair follicles are transplanted during the hair loss restoration process, the hair follicle goes dormant for 3-6 months and the hair falls out before growing again.