Hair Styles that Have Come and Gone

August 1, 2020

Style and design trends come and go. Some types may have disappeared for years of even decades, and then suddenly come back in vogue. Others manage to stand the test of the time, even with a tweak or two. And then there are styles and trends that, once gone, remain gone. You know, like 8-track

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The Impact of Hair Loss on Self-Esteem

July 24, 2020

Self-esteem is what we believe about ourselves and how we think others see us. Self-esteem can be high and accompanied by a sense of pride, or low and accompanied by feelings of shame. For those who experience thinning hair or baldness, such unexpected changes in appearance can have a serious impact on self-esteem, especially when

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How Dyeing Your Hair Can Impact Hair Loss

July 17, 2020

You’ve heard of the proverbial two-edged sword, where there’s one edge that’s perfectly harmless while the other can cause serious damage?  Well, here’s yet another case in point: can dyeing hair lead to hair loss? Harmless side of the sword: dyeing your hair every few months won’t inhibit hair growth because the dye can reach

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How to Stimulate Hair Growth

July 10, 2020

Waiting for your hair to grow can feel like watching paint dry. Unfortunately, the paint will long be dry before you notice a difference in the length of your hair. And while it’s hard to pinpoint exactly how fast hair grows, since the growth rate varies, one can expect to see about half an inch

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How Long Should A Hair Transplant Last?

June 30, 2020

Those considering hair transplant surgery often wonder how long they can expect the transplant to last. Well, for starters, hair transplants involve removing hair follicles from a donor section of your scalp and transplanting them to the affected area where they will continue to produce healthy hair growth on an otherwise thinning or bald area.

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Hair Transplant Myths Debunked

June 10, 2020

Hair transplants once were known to be painful along with appearing unnatural and unrealistic. Fortunately, times have changed and so has technology, thus paving the way for hair restoration procedures that yield amazing, natural looking results. Yet common misconceptions persist, some of which can prevent people from seeking out effective hair loss solutions. Let’s turn

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How a Keto Diet Impacts Healthy Hair

May 19, 2020

For many, the ketogenic (or keto) diet can be an effective way to lose weight. But like all diets, it isn’t without its share of potential side effects, including a change in the health and condition of your hair, and even hair loss. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce and even eliminate

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The Basics of Hair Transplant Surgery

May 14, 2020

“You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.”  If you had a dollar for every time someone spoke those words to you…well, you’d have at least a few more bucks in your pocket. And yet that cliché – as tired as it might be – still hold water when it comes to thinning or

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The 7 Common Stages of Hair Loss

May 12, 2020

Hair transplant surgeons, doctors, and researchers use several classification systems to measure the extent of male pattern baldness. The most prevalent among them is the Norwood scale – or, the Hamilton-Norwood scale – first introduced by James Hamilton in the 1950s and revised by O’Tar Norwood in the 1970s. It measures the severity and pattern

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What Your Hair is Telling You About Your Overall Health

April 29, 2020

You can’t help but notice and think about your hair every day. Is it tidy enough so you can venture out, even to run an errand? Is it time for a trim? Oops, you might just need to little color touch-up. You get the idea. Beyond playing an integral role in your appearance, hair can

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