How to Make Facial Hair Grow

September 16, 2022

Like the hair on top of your head, facial hair can be incredibly flattering to your face. And today more than ever, we seem to have an ever-growing list of facial hair styles to choose from. From a thin mustache to a full beard and everything in between, facial hair has a lot more to

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Can I Reshape My Hairline?

September 2, 2022

Your hairline is as unique as you are, varying in shape and height, and influenced by a number of factors such as genetics, hormones, lifestyle, and age. Hairlines help shape the face while bringing attention to or minimizing certain features. Yet as varied as they are, all hairlines fall within a certain category. And believe

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Is it Okay to Sleep with Wet Hair?

August 26, 2022

For generations, protective mothers have warned against going to bed with wet hair. “Dry your hair before you catch a cold!” Well, sorry mom, but there is no evidence that sleeping with wet hair can lead to a cold.” However, the practice may have some other negative effects, however minimal. Read on to get the

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The Function of Human Hair

August 26, 2022

There is an entire industry dedicated to the removal of hair. Every day, women and men alike spend time and money to remove hair from their faces, arms, legs, head, and so on. Yet hair serves some important functions depending on its location. Follow along as we explore the function of human hair. History of

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Hair Styles Over the Decades

August 15, 2022

You can tell a lot about a person by how they wear their hair. In fact, hairstyles don’t just express fashion trends, they offer a glimpse into societal trends and current cultural norms. Hair can even be used to convey political statements. Today, no single hairdo or style appears to dominate like those of prior

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Hair Loss in Middle-Aged Women

July 25, 2022

As women age, their hair gradually changes in color and texture. In fact, it can become less glossy, thinner, and drier. It’s perfectly normal to shed around 100 hairs per day, but as shedding accelerates, hair growth slows down, and hair follicles shrink – some follicles stop producing hair entirely, leading to noticeably thinner hair

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How to Choose the Right Hair Transplant Center

July 14, 2022

The field of hair restoration has given rise to significant changes and notable technological advancements over the past 5 to 10 years. And yet for all the growth, more people have entered the field not fully qualified to provide the assistance and solution you want. It has become more imperative than ever to thoroughly research

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Healthy Hair Habits for Kids

July 12, 2022

If you’ve been ready our blog and website, have already had a transplant, or are researching what a transplant is all about, then you know there are numerous factors that contribute to healthy hair that, if practiced, can even prevent partial or total hair loss. But one common mistake is to assume that the issue

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What to Expect from a Hair Transplant

July 10, 2022

There was a time – and not that long ago – when one could spot a person with a hair transplant from a mile away. Thankfully, the days of noticeable, patchy, unnatural looking hair plugs are long gone. Today’s hair restoration procedures result in hair that looks, feels, and behaves like the rest of your

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Which Hair Transplant Method Is Best for You?

June 27, 2022

If you’re struggling with hair loss, and you’re leaning toward exploring the path leading to a hair transplant, you may be wondering which hair restoration option is right for you. A simple google search will deliver a slew of solutions all promising to stop and even reverse hair loss. How do you know which of

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