5 Common Causes of Hair Loss in Men

Hair loss is like a sniper. It can strike without warning, and from almost anywhere. Not a very pretty way of looking at it, but it’s true. What’s more, hair loss can come on “just like that” or more gradually – not just affecting your scalp, but potentially your whole body. And, as you no doubt already know, some types of hair loss and temporary while others are permanent. So what are some common causes of hair loss for men?



  • Aging takes its toll. The aging process is the leading cause of hair loss for both men and women.  In men, the process often begins with a receding hairline on the forehead, one that looks like the letter M. More than half of men 50 or older have signs of hair loss. It reaches 4 out of 5 men by age 70.
  • Immune system goes on offense. Sometimes your immune system can be your best friend, while it also can turn tail on you. Take, for example, when you begin noticing bald spots on your scalp about the size of a quarter. That may signify a medical condition known as alopecia areata. The process can begin from childhood on and stems from your immune system attacking your hair follicles, thus causing patches of hair to fall out. Your hair may grow back, but there’s no guarantee it will.
  • Physical or emotional shock. In this instance, hair starts falling out. A physical or emotional shock is another common origin of hair loss. It starts with hair falling out when you wash or comb it – or even just gently tugging on it. But we’re not talking a few strands of hair here and there; we’re talking about handfuls at a time. This type of hair loss usually causes overall hair thinning and not bald patches.
  • Medical conditions or treatments. Some conditions and medical treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer, can result in the loss of hair all over your body. The hair usually grows back. Other medical conditions associated with hair loss include cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, and heart problems.
  • Infections. Things like ringworm can create scaly patches on the scalp and bald spots. The hair usually grows back after treatment. Folliculitis is another hair-loss infection, but one that can be prevented. Folliculitis is caused by bacteria entering your skin through damaged hair follicles. And it’s things like shaving or plucking scalp hair wearing tight hats, and frequently touching your scalp that can cause it.


Now you know at least some of the causes of hair loss. And now you can learn about how DiStefano Hair Restoration Center can make you look like you again – the you with a full head of air. Click here to Request a Free Consultation Today.

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