Unraveling the Genetic Puzzle: How Environmental Factors Influence Hair Loss

Hair loss is a complex phenomenon influenced by a myriad of factors, including genetics and environmental elements. While genetic predisposition plays a significant role in determining one’s susceptibility to hair loss, environmental factors can also have a profound impact on the health and vitality of our locks. At DiStefano Hair Restoration, we understand the intricate

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Revealing Celebrity Hair Transformations: The Impact of Hair Transplants and Micro Pigmentation

In the glitzy realm of Hollywood, maintaining a flawless appearance is paramount. Celebrities are constantly scrutinized for their looks, including their hair. While some stars seem to effortlessly maintain a full head of hair, others have bravely addressed hair loss through revolutionary restoration techniques like hair transplants and micro pigmentation. At DiStefano Hair Restoration, we

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Seasonal Hair Care: Tailoring Your Routine to Combat Seasonal Hair Loss

Seasonal Hair Care: Tailoring Your Routine to Combat Seasonal Hair Loss As the seasons change, so do the needs of our hair. Just as our skin requires different care during the winter months compared to summer, our hair also requires adjustments to combat seasonal hair loss effectively. At DiStefano Hair Restoration, we understand the importance

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Protecting Your Precious Locks: Preventative Measures for Preserving Existing Hair

At DiStefano Hair Restoration, we understand that preserving and protecting your existing hair is just as important as restoring lost hair. While hair loss is a natural part of life for many individuals, there are proactive steps you can take to maintain the health and vitality of your hair. In this article, we’ll explore preventative

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Embracing Self-Expression: Hair Restoration for Transgender and Non-Binary Individuals

At DiStefano Hair Restoration, we believe that everyone deserves to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. For transgender and non-binary individuals, hair restoration can play a vital role in aligning their outward appearance with their inner identity. In this article, we’ll explore the unique challenges faced by transgender and non-binary individuals on their

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Mastering Hairline Design: Achieving Natural-Looking Results in Hair Restoration

Crafting a natural-looking hairline is an art form that requires precision, skill, and an eye for detail. At DiStefano Hair Restoration, we understand the importance of hairline design in achieving optimal results for our patients. Led by Dr. Chris Heinis, our team is dedicated to creating hairlines that not only restore confidence but also enhance

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The Evolution of Hair Transplant Techniques: From FUT to FUE

Over the years, advancements in technology and techniques have revolutionized the field of hair transplantation, offering patients more options and improved outcomes. At DiStefano Hair Restoration, we’ve been at the forefront of these innovations, providing cutting-edge solutions to help individuals regain their confidence and achieve natural-looking results. In this article, we’ll explore the evolution of

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Who’s Behind Your Hair Transplant? The Vital Importance of Qualified Professionals

In the world of hair restoration, staying informed about the experts handling your procedure is paramount. Hair transplants are intricate medical treatments that demand the skill and expertise of trained physicians. However, a concerning trend has surfaced in recent years – the proliferation of hair transplant centers run by nurses or physician assistants without the

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DiStefano Hair Restoration: A Safer, More Reliable Alternative to Hair Transplants in Turkey

As a leading clinic in hair restoration, we at DiStefano Hair Restoration have often encountered patients tempted by the low-cost hair transplant offers in Turkey. While these offers may seem appealing, they come with significant risks. We’re here to share why choosing DiStefano Hair Restoration is a safer and more reliable option.  The Risks Associated

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New Beginnings: Why the New Year is the Ideal Time for a Hair Transplant at DiStefano Hair Restoration Center

As the New Year approaches, many of us set resolutions to improve our health, appearance, and overall well-being. One transformative resolution could be addressing hair loss, and there’s no better time to do so than at the start of a new year. Here’s why the New Year is the perfect time for a hair transplant,

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Nourish Your Locks: The Best Foods for Hair Regrowth

The quest for healthy, luscious locks is a journey that often begins from within. While external hair care routines play a crucial role, the importance of a well-balanced diet should not be underestimated. Nutrient-rich foods can provide your body with the building blocks it needs to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. In this

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Chill Out: The Impact of Cold Weather on Your Hair and How to Protect It”

As the temperature drops and winter settles in, many of us find ourselves bundling up in layers to brave the cold. While we’re busy protecting our skin from the harsh elements, it’s essential not to overlook the impact of cold weather on another important aspect of our appearance – our hair. The chilly air, low

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How Long Do Hair Transplants Last on Average?

Hair loss is a common concern for many people, and hair transplants have become a popular solution for those looking to regain a full head of hair. Hair restoration procedures, such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), have provided remarkable results for individuals seeking to combat baldness and thinning hair. In

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How Long Does It Take to See Results After a Hair Transplant?

Hair loss can be a distressing experience for both men and women. Fortunately, advances in medical technology have made hair transplants a popular and effective solution for those seeking to regain their lost locks. However, one common question that often arises is, “How long does it take to see results after a hair transplant?” In

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Do Baseball Caps Cause Hair Loss? Debunking the Myth

In today’s fast-paced world, fashion trends and personal style often dictate our clothing choices. For many, a baseball cap is more than just an accessory; it’s a statement piece. Whether you’re a sports enthusiast, a fashion-conscious individual, or simply shielding your head from the scorching sun, baseball caps have become a ubiquitous part of our

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Understanding Hair Shedding: Causes and Solutions Offered by DiStefano Hair Restoration

Hair is often considered a significant aspect of one’s appearance and identity, making hair shedding a distressing concern for both men and women. While it’s normal to lose some hair daily, excessive shedding can lead to noticeable thinning and loss of confidence. Fortunately, organizations like DiStefano Hair Restoration have emerged to address these concerns, offering

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Embrace a New Look: Why Opting for an End-of-Summer Hair Transplant Makes Perfect Sense

As the golden days of summer wind down and the crispness of fall approaches, it’s a prime opportunity to consider embarking on a journey to restore your hair and confidence. While hair transplant procedures are a year-round option, there are compelling reasons why getting a hair transplant at the end of summer can be especially

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The Power of Finasteride: Your Key to Maintaining Luscious Locks

For many individuals, a thick, full head of hair is synonymous with youth, vitality, and self-confidence. Unfortunately, as we age, hair loss becomes a common concern that can deeply impact one’s self-esteem and overall well-being. However, thanks to advancements in medical science, there’s now a powerful ally in the battle against hair loss – finasteride.

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The Science Behind Beard Hair Transplants: Enhancing Your Facial Foliage

Facial hair has long been associated with masculinity, symbolizing strength and maturity. While some men can effortlessly grow thick and luscious beards, others may struggle with patchy or thin facial hair. Fortunately, advancements in medical technology have made it possible for individuals to achieve their desired facial hair growth through a procedure known as a

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Traditional Hair Transplants: A Safer and Superior Alternative to Robotic Procedures

When it comes to hair restoration, there’s no denying the allure of cutting-edge technologies like robotic hair transplant procedures. However, beneath their glossy exterior lies a range of safety concerns and limitations that often go unnoticed. In contrast, traditional methods, such as those offered by Distefano Hair Restoration, provide superior results with a proven track

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Unveiling the Link Between Weight Loss Drugs and Hair Loss

In the quest for achieving weight loss goals, many individuals turn to various methods, including weight loss drugs. However, concerns have been raised about a potential association between these drugs and hair loss. In this blog post, we will explore this intriguing connection and uncover the truth behind it. Understanding Weight Loss Drugs Weight loss

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Smoking and Hair Loss: Revealing the Harmful Connection

Cigarette smoking is a widespread habit with numerous detrimental health effects. While its association with lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases is well-known, the link between smoking and hair loss often goes unnoticed. In this article, we delve into the relationship between smoking and hair loss, uncovering the mechanisms involved and shedding light on the available

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Are hair transplants from Turkey too good to be true?

Hair transplant surgery has become a popular procedure for men and women looking to restore their hairline and regain their confidence. However, with the rise of medical tourism, many people are traveling to countries like Turkey to undergo this procedure due to lower costs. While the cost may seem appealing, it is essential to understand

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When is the best time of the year for a hair transplant?

Spring is a season of renewal and growth, making it the perfect time to consider a hair transplant. If you have been struggling with hair loss, now is the time to take action and restore your confidence. Here are some reasons why springtime is the best time to get a hair transplant. Recovery time Spring

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How to Have a Successful Hair Transplant

A hair transplant performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon is a safe, effective, and permanent solution to hair loss. In most cases, the procedure delivers positive results that meet or exceed the patient’s expectations. However, in rare cases, a hair transplant can fail to achieve a desired result. If you’re experiencing hair loss and

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The Stages of the Hair Growth Cycle Explained

Do you worry every time you see a clump of hair on your shower floor or hairbrush? While it may be alarming, this seemingly sudden hair loss isn’t necessarily a cause for concern. In fact, the average person loses (or sheds) 100 hairs a day. Hair shedding is a healthy and normal part of the

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Is Minoxidil Right for Me?

If you’re experiencing hair loss, chances are that you have already heard of minoxidil. Minoxidil, developed originally as an oral medication for blood pressure, is a topical serum that promotes hair growth, thickness, and strength. If you’re wondering whether minoxidil may be an effective solution for your hair loss, read on. What Is Minoxidil? As mentioned

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Should You Double Cleanse Your Hair?

Look at the instructions on the back of any shampoo bottle and you’re bound so see “Lather, rinse, repeat”. Yet few people actually listen. In today’s busy world, why take the time to do something twice when once is good enough? As it turns out, those instructions are there for a reason. Double cleansing is

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Does the Keto Diet Lead to Hair Loss?

To say that the keto diet has become wildly popular in recent years is a complete understatement. And there’s no shortage of success stories to be found, with celebrities and influencers touting its benefits. But, of course, nothing is perfect and there are side effects to be aware of if you’re considering a ketogenic diet.

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Male Pattern Baldness Fact or Fiction

While some men lose more hair than others, even so-called minor hair loss is enough to make us worry, stress, and stare in the mirror a little longer each morning. Sure, the majority of hair loss is hereditary, but what about the countless other causes we hear about? And how do we know which are

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Hair Care Habits Ruining Your Hair

In our quest for healthy, beautiful hair, we often do things that do more harm than good. Hair that is fragile and damaged tends to break, become frizzy, and look lifeless. If the damage continues, it can eventually lead to hair thinning and even loss. The good news is that a few simple changes can

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Tips to Avoid Hair Restoration Scams

Walk down any health and beauty aisle and you’re bound to see product after product claiming to make your hair healthier, stronger, and longer. Some even promise to stop or reverse hair thinning and loss. But not all products are on the up-and-up. Some companies make claims with little or no science to back them

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Air-Dry vs. Blow-Dry: Which is Safer?

To blow-dry or not to blow-dry…that is the question when it comes to healthy hair drying. You’re probably aware that prolonged exposure to hot styling tools dries out hair and leads to split ends, especially at temperatures so high they produce steam. But what if we told you that some experts believe air-drying hair could

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How to Decipher Hair and Beauty Product Labels

Sometimes reading product labels can feel like reading a foreign language, especially when it comes to the hair and beauty industry. Beauty companies love placing attention-grabbing terms on products claiming to deliver benefits that don’t have to be backed up by science. In fact, as long as a product doesn’t claim to alter the body’s

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How to Maintain the Perfect 5 O’clock Shadow

What was once associated with a tired, end of the day face has become one of the most popular forms of expression through facial hair. We’re talking about the 5 o’clock shadow – that “just right” amount of stubble for men who don’t want fuller facial hair or whose beards are patchy. A 5 o’clock

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Does Dehydration Cause Hair Loss?

We all know our bodies need water in order to function properly, but many underestimate just how important being adequately hydrated is to our basic health. In fact, it is estimated that only 25 percent of us drink the recommended amount of water needed daily. And if not addressed, prolonged dehydration can cause serious health

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How to Prepare for Your Hair Transplant

You’ve researched hair restoration centers, talked to family or friends who have had hair transplant surgery, looked at before and after photos, read reviews, and had a consultation with the doctor who is going to perform the procedure. Sounds like you’re ready to take control of your hair and self-esteem! Not so fast. When it

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Hair Porosity Explained

“Hair porosity” may not be a term you hear often but knowing what type you have can help you better understand how to care for, manage, and treat your hair. And that can result in hair that’s healthy and strong. Read on as we take a closer look at what hair porosity is, how to

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Frequently Asked Hair Questions Answered

We all know when it comes to hair, there’s no such thing as a stupid question. Getting helpful, accurate answers about hair is vital to understanding how to care for it, get it looking and feeling its best, and give you longstanding confidence in how you feel every single day. We’ve compiled some of the

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Hair Thickening Strategies for Men

If you’re experiencing hair thinning, you’re not alone. In the United States, approximately 50 million men experience male pattern baldness. While hair loss is largely genetic, it can also be caused by a variety of other factors including illness, stress, extreme weight loss, hormones, medications, and more recently, COVID-19 infection. If you’re looking for ways to

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How to Stop Static Hair

As soon as winter rolls around, hair adopts a life of its own. If you also have dry or fine hair, the season’s cold temperatures, lack of humidity in the air, and heated indoor environments can create a force field of electricity around your head. Static electricity occurs when negatively-charged electrons fly off an object

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Hair Loss in African American Women

Half of all women will experience hair thinning by the time they turn 50. African American women are particularly prone to certain forms of hair loss, and two-thirds of them will experience hair thinning by the age of 50. However, because not many doctors are familiar with black hairstyling practices, many women are left to

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Tips for Managing Holiday Stress

The holiday season is upon us, and along with it come glad tidings, great food, and time spent with family & friends. Unfortunately, one unforeseen effect of the holiday season is the added stress that it can cause. Making sure the house is spotless, the food is perfect, and the presents are wrapped and ready

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Are Hair Vitamins the Secret to Healthy Hair?

In many cultures, healthy hair is a sign of beauty, health, and youth. Unfortunately, many people struggle with dry, dull, brittle hair and even hair thinning or loss. This has lead to an increase of hair supplements on the market claiming improve growth, shine, thickness, and strength. But do they really work? Read on as

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How to Grow a Beard for No-Shave November

No-Shave November is a month-long journey during which participants forgo shaving and grooming in order to raise awareness about cancer prevention and raise funds to support non-profits that research prostate, testicular, and colorectal cancers. Founded in memory of Matthew Hill, a Chicago father who succumbed to colorectal cancer in 2007, the goal of this movement

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What Is Hair Miniaturization?

Simply put, hair miniaturization is the technical term for balding or thinning hair. The process causes the hair follicle, which once produced healthy hair, to constrict, making it more difficult for hair to grow. Instead, the hair that does grow is thinner with a more fragile shaft that can easily fall out. Hair follicle miniaturization

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Hair Care Tips for Men

Hair Care Tips for Men Walk down any drugstore’s hair care aisle and you’re bound to see countless products marketed specifically toward women. While tucked away in the corner there will be a small, in comparison, selection of men’s grooming products. Sure, some men prefer a no-fuss, air-dry-and-go routine, but that doesn’t mean they care

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Vitamin D Deficiency and Hair Loss

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that is vital to our health. It stimulates cell growth, boosts immunity, and keeps bones strong and skin healthy. Vitamin D is primarily absorbed through sun exposure, but certain foods and dietary supplements can boost intake. When your body lacks the recommended amount of vitamin D, you may experience

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Ending the Stigma Surrounding Female Hair Loss

Hair loss and balding is often perceived as something that only happens to men. In reality, it is estimated that women make up 40 percent of hair loss sufferers in the U.S., with one in four seeking treatment for hair loss annually. While a certain amount of hair shedding is normal in men and women

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Can Dandruff Cause Hair Loss?

Dandruff is a common condition that affects approximately 50 percent of adults. It causes dry, itchy, flaky skin on the scalp that typically falls off, leaving small white flakes on one’s shoulders and clothing. Some dandruff sufferers also report developing hair loss, but is dandruff really to blame? Read on as we examine the link

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How to Make Facial Hair Grow

Like the hair on top of your head, facial hair can be incredibly flattering to your face. And today more than ever, we seem to have an ever-growing list of facial hair styles to choose from. From a thin mustache to a full beard and everything in between, facial hair has a lot more to

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Can I Reshape My Hairline?

Your hairline is as unique as you are, varying in shape and height, and influenced by a number of factors such as genetics, hormones, lifestyle, and age. Hairlines help shape the face while bringing attention to or minimizing certain features. Yet as varied as they are, all hairlines fall within a certain category. And believe

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Is it Okay to Sleep with Wet Hair?

For generations, protective mothers have warned against going to bed with wet hair. “Dry your hair before you catch a cold!” Well, sorry mom, but there is no evidence that sleeping with wet hair can lead to a cold.” However, the practice may have some other negative effects, however minimal. Read on to get the

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The Function of Human Hair

There is an entire industry dedicated to the removal of hair. Every day, women and men alike spend time and money to remove hair from their faces, arms, legs, head, and so on. Yet hair serves some important functions depending on its location. Follow along as we explore the function of human hair. History of

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Hair Styles Over the Decades

You can tell a lot about a person by how they wear their hair. In fact, hairstyles don’t just express fashion trends, they offer a glimpse into societal trends and current cultural norms. Hair can even be used to convey political statements. Today, no single hairdo or style appears to dominate like those of prior

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Hair Loss in Middle-Aged Women

As women age, their hair gradually changes in color and texture. In fact, it can become less glossy, thinner, and drier. It’s perfectly normal to shed around 100 hairs per day, but as shedding accelerates, hair growth slows down, and hair follicles shrink – some follicles stop producing hair entirely, leading to noticeably thinner hair

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How to Choose the Right Hair Transplant Center

The field of hair restoration has given rise to significant changes and notable technological advancements over the past 5 to 10 years. And yet for all the growth, more people have entered the field not fully qualified to provide the assistance and solution you want. It has become more imperative than ever to thoroughly research

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Healthy Hair Habits for Kids

If you’ve been ready our blog and website, have already had a transplant, or are researching what a transplant is all about, then you know there are numerous factors that contribute to healthy hair that, if practiced, can even prevent partial or total hair loss. But one common mistake is to assume that the issue

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What to Expect from a Hair Transplant

There was a time – and not that long ago – when one could spot a person with a hair transplant from a mile away. Thankfully, the days of noticeable, patchy, unnatural looking hair plugs are long gone. Today’s hair restoration procedures result in hair that looks, feels, and behaves like the rest of your

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Which Hair Transplant Method Is Best for You?

If you’re struggling with hair loss, and you’re leaning toward exploring the path leading to a hair transplant, you may be wondering which hair restoration option is right for you. A simple google search will deliver a slew of solutions all promising to stop and even reverse hair loss. How do you know which of

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The Dos and Don’ts for Hair Growth

Conduct an internet search for “hair growth tips” and you’ll be inundated with products, tricks, and “secrets” all promising miraculous results, and much sooner than you otherwise might expect. But the truth is, the secret to sustained hair growth is really no secret at all. In fact, for many it’s as simple as what you

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The Relationship Between Hair & Overall Health

Picture this. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and your hair looks great! You just know it’s going to be a great day. Which only goes to show that the appearance of your hair can play a major role in how you feel about yourself in terms of mood, self-image, and confidence. It’s

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Non-Surgical Hair Restoration

Whether it’s a receding hairline, a not-so-subtle bald spot, or widespread thinning all over, experiencing hair loss is no fun – no fun at all. And while more than 80 percent of men and nearly 50 percent of women will experience some level hair loss or thinning during their lifetimes, you don’t need have to

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How the Sun Can Lighten Your Hair

True or false: Sitting out in the sun can cause you hair to lighten over time. If you guessed “true,” pat yourself on the back for a job well done. While the sun can lighten hair of any color shade, darker hair reflects more subtle changes. If you like your hair color and shade just

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The Top 5 Reasons to Consider a Hair Transplant

For many, hair loss may be a natural part of the aging process, but that doesn’t mean it can’t frustrate and embarrass you at the same time. While some people take hair thinning or loss in stride and embrace their new look, others experience low self-esteem, social withdrawal, and even depression. If you are enjoying

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How Thyroid Health Can Create Hair Loss

Hair loss can occur for a variety of reasons, including from abnormal production of thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland, a butterfly shaped gland located in the lower part of the front of the neck, is responsible for making thyroid hormones. The body uses these hormones to stay warm, keep muscles and organs functioning properly, and

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Hair Density Explained

Hair is often described by color, length, texture, coarseness, thickness, and density – density being the focus of this blog. Many use the term “thick” and “dense” interchangeably, but the two hair types are quite different. Thickness refers to the width of a single strand of hair while density measures how many strands of hair

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What Causes Menopausal Hair Loss

Hair is often viewed as an extension of oneself, personality, and sense of self-worth. That’s among numerous reasons why hair loss or thinning can be such a difficult and upsetting experience. And while the causes of hair loss are many, menopausal hair loss can make an already stressful life experience even more challenging. Read on

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The Facts on Hair Training

Why do people engage in hair  training? Well, certainly for the most obvious reason of all – well-trained hair speeds up the time it takes to get you out the door in the morning. And to get all spruced up for that special date you’ve been planning. Yes, hair training is a useful practice, but

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The Facts About Alopecia Areata

Hair loss can manifest itself in several ways and from different causes. One such example is alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that develops when the body begins to attack its own hair follicles. While a common sign of alopecia areata is round or oval patches on the scalp, the hair loss can occur anywhere on

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How Your Age Impacts Hair Loss

The average person has about 100,000 hairs on their scalp and loses about 100 each day without even noticing. In fact, many lose up to 50 percent of their hair before they even suspect a problem. If you’ve noticed some hair loss you may be wondering whether it’s a normal, a temporary part of the

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What to Do About Eyebrow Hair Loss

Grey hair, crow’s feet, and laugh lines aren’t the only telltale signs of aging. As the years pass by, you may notice your once thick and full eyebrows looking a little sparse. What may have been a low – or no – maintenance morning routine might start taking more time to fill in your brows

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How the Aging Process Can Affect Your Hair

There are several things that can give away one’s age. For some it’s their taste in music and fashion. For others, they simply aren’t as nimble as they once were. For most, the number one give-away is greying hair. If you’ve started to notice your hair is feeling drier, more brittle and frizzier as you

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Natural Remedies Can Help Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss can occur for several reasons. For some people, there’s a genetic component while for others it’s due to certain medications, recent illness or surgery, autoimmune disease, or high stress levels. Vitamin deficiencies, scalp conditions and even hair damage caused by harsh products and treatments can also cause hair thinning and loss. Many experiencing

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What’s the Right pH Level for Your Hair?

Here’s a high school chemistry class refresher for you. The numbers on the pH scale range from 0 to 14, where 0 to 6 represent acidity, 7 denotes neutrality, and 8 through 14 alkalinity. If you recall, maintaining a pH balance is crucial to our overall health, while too much acidity weakens the body and

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How Iron Deficiency Contributes to Hair Loss

Hair loss can occur for a variety of reasons, heredity being the most common among adults. Yet men and women alike can experience hair thinning and loss from a lack of nutrients that are essential to hair health, like iron. Today we explore the connection between iron and hair and share prevention and treatment options.

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The Facts About Transgender Hair Loss

Hair loss can be a stressful experience for anyone. But for transgender women seeing signs of androgenetic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, the experience can be especially traumatic. Without intervention, hair loss can become progressively worse. That makes it essential to address the matter now to prevent the problem – if one exists – from

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How Testosterone Levels Affect Hair Loss

Androgenic alopecia – better known as pattern baldness – affects an estimated 30 million women and 50 million men in the U.S. alone. It occurs when hair follicles shrink, thus causing new hair to become finer over time until the follicles become dormant. While several factors can contribute to hair loss, genetics and hormones are

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How Ethnicity Affects Hair Loss

Hair loss can affect people of all ages and races. In fact, an estimated 40 percent of men will experience noticeable loss by age 35 while 80 percent of women will see comparable results by age 60. However, some ethnic groups are more susceptible than others to hair loss and thinning. Let’s explore why. Hair

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How To Control Dry Winter Hair

Baby, it’s cold outside. And while all that heat your furnace is pumping out might keep you nice and toasty, it can also leave you with dry, itchy skin and scalp, not to mention static-plagued hair. What can you do to combat these common cold weather hair problems? Read on to find out. Dry, Itchy

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Does Transplanted Hair Turn Grey?

If you’re considering a hair transplant, of course you’re wondering how effective and natural looking the result will be. Isn’t that kind of the whole point So, how long will it be until you can see noticeable results? Will your new blended hair – existing and transplanted – look and feel like it’s always been

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Things to Avoid After Transplant Surgery

So, you’re considering a hair transplant. Or you’ve already scheduled a consultation. Great news – you’re one step closer to enjoying a fuller head of hair and looking like the best version of you! With that in mind, post-transplant care is the best way to ensure the success of the surgery and minimize the risk

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Hair Resolutions for the New Year

A new year marks an opportunity to start fresh, set reasonable goals, and invest more in yourself – and that includes your hair. Whether you’re the “wash ‘n go” type, have been sporting the same cut and style for decades, or are noticing changes like thinning or balding, now’s a great time to some hair

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The Life of a Hair Follicle

Thick or fine, straight or curly, healthy or dry – when we think of hair, we often think of its texture, length, and appearance. Yet it’s the follicle, a small pocket-like hole in the skin, that determines your hair type and is responsible for its growth. Today we’re exploring the life of a hair follicle

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Why is My Hair Part Widening

If you’ve looked in the mirror and noticed that your hair part seems to be growing wider, you’re not alone. As we age, hair thinning and loss become more common, and with women, a widening of the part is one of the first tell-tale signs. Read on as we explain what may be happening and

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How Can Dry Hair Cause Hair Loss?

Anyone’s hair can feel dry at some point. Perhaps you’ve been relying too much on heat styling or are using the wrong hair care products. But if left untreated, dry hair can become brittle, causing it to fray or break easily. In most cases, the condition can be treated with the consistent right care and

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The Impact of Marijuana on Hair

Whether recreational or medicinal, there is vast scientific and anecdotal evidence suggesting that marijuana has anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic, and anti-cancer properties. Cannabis (in various forms) can also be used to provide relief to adults suffering from chronic pain, seizures, muscle spasms, and glaucoma. As for the impact on hair, some regular smokers claim that it thickens

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Questions and Answers About Hair

For many, hair is more than just something to wash, dry, and brush.  It’s an important part of our physical appearance – one that can impact not only how we feel about ourselves but how others see and treat us. Hair can look, feel, and behave differently depending on the season, weather, and our age.  In

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How to Find the Right Hair Transplant Doctor

When you look in the mirror, do you like that you see?  Sure, maybe you’d like to do something about those crow’s feet or sunspots.  Or perhaps you wish you’d like to stretch yourself another inch or two in height.  But overall, you’re pleased with the person looking back at you. Yet for those suffering

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How to Determine the Extent of Female Baldness

If you’re health and weight conscious, you’re no stranger to the bathroom scale. But where in your home do you keep your Ludwig Scale. Aha, you don’t, because as something to stand on or measure anything concrete, there’s no such thing. Nonetheless, the Ludwig Scale is very real and the most accurate way to determine

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Am I a Candidate for a Hair Transplant?

If you’ve found your way to this blog, you might be experiencing hair thinning or loss and wondering if hair transplant surgery is right for you. Well, you’re in the right place to get at least some of the answers you seek. Because here we discuss some factors that must be present to proceed or,

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DHT and Hair Loss

As you age, hair loss becomes more probable and common.  One of its more common causes is genetics – if your father and your father’s father experienced hair loss, chances are you will, too. But genetics paints only a partial picture. For many, hair loss is caused by dihydrotestosterone (or DHT), a hormone that plays

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Can Illness Result in Hair Loss?

The short answer is “Yes, but not always.” Hair thinning and loss can be triggered by several other factors, as well, including heredity, hormonal changes, physical and emotional trauma, sudden weight loss, and certain medications. Various physical stressors can trigger a type of hair loss called Telogen Effluvium, where growing hair follicles go into their

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What Causes Teenage Hair Loss?

Age related hair loss can be difficult enough to accept, but when one starts losing hair during their teenage years it can be down-right devastating. Genetics, medical issues, hormonal changes, and nutrient deficiency are just some of the factors that can trigger sudden and severe hair loss among teens. But with early intervention the condition

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Do You Know Your Hair Type?

Sure, you pretty much know your hair type – straight, wavy, curly, or loaded with coils. But did you know that there are subtypes of these based on – for example – the tightness of the curls, or lack thereof? If you’re longing for healthy, voluminous hair, knowing your type and how to properly care

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What causes split ends?

When the ends of hair become brittle and dry, they can fray and resemble the end of an unraveled rope – commonly referred to as “split ends”. Split ends are caused by a variety of factors, including heat styling and chemical hair products. And since blow drying, curling, straightening, and hair product use is so

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Popular Hair Myths and Why You Should Ignore Them

“Cutting your hair makes it grow faster.” “Plucking a gray hair makes more grey hairs grow.” “Brushing your hair 100 strokes at a time makes it healthier.” We’ve heard these – and other such sayings – time and again. So much so that we start to take them as fact. Yet with just a few

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Fine vs Thinning Hair

Hair comes in a variety of lengths, textures, and colors. Sometimes the hair we want isn’t exactly what we see when looking in the mirror. For example, you may long for a head of curls but were born with stick-straight strands. And while there are a variety of tools and styling products to help you

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How Aging Relates to Hair Growth

Dark spots, wrinkles, grey hair…each a sign of aging. And while everyone hopes to age gracefully, we also know that appearance can add years to your perceived age. And that’s not such a great confidence builder, to say the least. Take hair and scalps, for example. As the aging process advances, hair follicles begin to

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Why Does My Hair Frizz?

You can almost feel it happening. After washing, drying, and styling your hair, you step outside on a humid day and feel your perfectly coifed tendrils turn into a frizzy mess. Or maybe your hair just frizzes no matter the weather and you find yourself spending hundreds of dollars trying countless products all promises to

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Low-Light Laser Therapy for Hair Loss

If you’ve lost enough hair to consider a transplant, perhaps you’ve come across this acronym, which stands for low-light laser therapy. Maybe you’ve even heard good things. The question is, are you listening to pure hype, or do these products really deliver on their promise? We’re here to help you sort through the clutter and

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The Truth About Redheads

Did you know that being a red head is pretty rare? In fact, that it is estimated that less than 2 percent of the world’s population has red hair. Whether you’re a natural redhead or get a little help from the salon, here are some red hair facts you might enjoy. It’s in the genes.

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The Facts About Beard Transplants

Male facial hair has been in fashion since time immemorial. But over the past 10 years or so, there has been an explosion in popularity from closely shaven to the bushy, Grizzly Adams type. Today, for example, you even see news anchors and politicians with beards of varying lengths and styles. Athletes in every sport

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Can Hair Care Products Cause Damage?

You’ve seen the ads – models showing off their gorgeous locks which supposedly are enhanced and maintained by the sponsor’s shampoo, conditioner, at-home color kit, or some other surefire means. While certain hair care products are worth using, some can do more harm than good. Could the products you use daily be damaging your hair?

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The History of Long Hair & Wigs for Men

We know how wigs came into being in Great Britain and throughout Europe – we’ll get back to that in a minute. But it kind of makes you wonder how and why men covered up partial or complete baldness centuries and millennia before that. In ancient Greece and Rome, for example, there were good and

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The Connection Between Weight Loss and Hair Loss

You’ve worked hard, faithfully exercised, stuck to a balanced diet. All good. But then comes the moment of truth – when you step on the scale for the first time in a few weeks. Well, praise be, you’ve dropped 20, 30, maybe even 60 pounds. Even better, you look and feel the best you’ve felt

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Summer is the Perfect Time for a Hair Transplant

We’re often asked when if there’s a best time of year for a hair transplant. And while the short answer is “whenever it’s right for you”, there are several perks to undergoing hair transplant surgery during the summer. Here are 7 factors worth considering. It’s easier to take time off. If you’re accustomed to taking

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Maintaining Your Scalp Hygiene!

What do you feet and underarms have in common? They can both generate an unpleasant odor from sweating or lack of hygiene. But what about your scalp? Yes, it can emit unpleasant odors too. But since you can’t smell the top of your head, this phenomenon could be easy to miss and end up causing

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The Benefits of a Scalp Massage

If you’ve ever received a scalp massage from someone who knows what they’re doing, you know how blissful and relaxing it can feel. Massages help ease tension, stress, and relax sore muscles. When it comes to your scalp, a massage also may be able to promote hair growth. Here’s how. What is a scalp massage?

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What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Microblading vs. Micropigmentation Eyebrow microblading is often performed with a manual blade that has 10 to 12 small needles at the tip. The needles implant feather-like strokes of pigment on the epidermis layer of the skin, creating natural looking hair strokes. Micropigmentation, by contrast, is performed with an electric tattoo device that penetrates the scalp

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Why Are My Eyebrows Thinning?

Just like the hair on your head, eyebrows can begin to thin out or stop growing for a variety of reasons. Even those blessed with thick, full eyebrows may notice their brows looking a little sparse over time. In most cases, thinning eyebrows are a sign of again but, there are other causes, too, such

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How to Care for Your Hair Transplant

Proper rest and care are crucial to the healing process after any medical procedure, and hair transplant surgery is no different. In fact, failing to follow your surgeon’s post-op care recommendations can result in unnecessary pain, swelling, and can lead to infection. To fully recover realize maximum benefit from your hair transplant, be sure to

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How to Thicken Your Hair

There’s nothing quite like walking out of a salon with a new cut and style. Yet recreating that bouncy, voluminous look at home can prove to be a challenge, especially if you have fine or thin hair. In fact, caring for and styling fine, limp, or lifeless hair can be a daily struggle that drains

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Debunking Popular Hair Myths

Drinking coffee with stunt your growth. Don’t go outside with wet hair in the winter or you’ll catch a cold. If you swallow gum, it’ll take seven years to digest. These are just a handful of old wives’ tales passed down from one generation to the next. In some cases, there’s not a shred of

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Springtime Hair Care

When Spring comes to town it’s time to pack away scarves, knit hats, galoshes, down parkas, and other seasonal articles of clothing. Flip flops and tank tops anyone?   Well, just as your body has different needs when temps rise (or fall), so does your hair and scalp. Read on to learn how seasonal changes impact your

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Does Transplanted Hair Turn Grey?

One of the most common questions we hear from patients is: “Will my transplanted hair turn grey?” Since transplanted hair behaves like the rest of your hair, whether it turns grey over time depends on the individual as well as the characteristics of their hair. What Causes Grey Hair? Hair color is determined by melanin

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Why Choosing the Right Hairbrush Matters

A hairbrush is a hairbrush is a hairbrush, right? Not exactly. Sure, any brush can do the simple task of making yourself more presentable; but, having the right brush and knowing how to use it can be a game changer when it comes to achieving a desired look while being kind to your hair and

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How to Repair Damaged Hair

We often hear the words “damaged hair”, but it’s not as if it has just one meaning. Damaged hair could be as simple as dryness or split ends from over-processing. Then there’s the case of the long-overdue cut or something more complex and serious like disease or a hair shaft disorder. If you suspect the

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Vitamin Deficiency Can Cause Hair Loss & More

To feel your best, you need to sustain a well-balanced diet, exercise, and get plenty of quality sleep. On the other hand, poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, and lack of sleep can have detrimental side effects. You’ll know because your body has ways of letting you know. Here are 6 common signs that you might

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The First Things People Notice About Others

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” You’ve heard that probably more times than you care to remember. And while it’s true and applies to numerous aspects of our lives – from job interviews to chance encounters to blind dates, and more – it’s also true that a first impression, especially

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How to Combat Thinning Hair

Turn on the TV or flip through a magazine and you’re bound to see an ad showcasing luscious, healthy hair and the products that can bring those results to life. It’s enough to give you a serious case of hair envy. The truth is, hair comes in a variety of lengths, textures, colors, and thickness.

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Eyebrow Transplant and Why It’s Your Best Option

In the past, if you suffered from sparse eyebrows, you had two primary options. The first was to use a make-up pencil to fill in thinned-out areas. Then and now, that requires daily applications or after every shower. You also could  have a tattoo artist give you eyebrows – sort of. The first option is

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Foods that Can Contribute to Hair Loss

There are several factors that influence hair loss, like genetics, age, nutrient deficiencies, hormones, illness, and more. Most of these we can’t do much about. Yet there is something you can control to improve your hair’s health and appearance, and that’s changing your diet. Sure, baldness runs in your family, so an apple a day

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Fun Facts About Human Hair

Wavy, curly, or stick straight, long, short, or somewhere in between, hair is as unique as the person it belongs to. It’s found in countless colors, textures, and lengths, and goes through a variety of changes during a person’s lifetime. Think you know everything there is to know about your hair? Think again. Here are

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COVID-19 Can Result in Hair Loss

Individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 can experience an array of symptoms, from aches, fever, and chills, to loss of taste and smell, fatigue, and upset stomach. What’s more, while some symptoms are severe and life threatening, others report having no symptoms at all. Then there are those who experience longer-term symptoms like difficulty concentrating, continued headaches,

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Hair Restoration Options for Men

According to recent estimates, nearly two-thirds of men will experience some degree of hair loss by age 35. By age 50, that number jumps to 85 percent. It’s no wonder so many seek treatment options that provide real, long-lasting results. And yet with recent advancements in hair restoration, today’s forward looking male has a greater

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Healthy Hair Resolutions

Resolve to Keep Your Hair Healthy There’s something about the New Year that makes you resolve to achieve one or more goals not just for yourself, but others. Maybe you don’t need the advent of January 1 to take flight with new habits, nor should you. A fresh start can be undertaken whenever you’re ready

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Signs of Early Balding

Hair loss can start at just about any age with men and women alike. Some will notice signs of hair loss as early as their late teens and early 20s, while others will continue to have a full head of hair well into their 60s. However, as a rule, the older one gets, the more

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Does Sleep Affect Hair Health?

A good night’s sleep is key to overall health and well-being. No big revelation there! Wait, you’re not so sure you agree? Well, in that case, think back to the last time you pulled an all-nighter, whether it was for a long drive, studying for a final exam, making the most of your best friend’s

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How to Maintain Healthy Winter Hair

Here in America’s Northeast, we don’t just mention the four seasons. We really and truly get four distinct times of year when seasonal conditions vary greatly. And now comes winter. Skiers lover it. Boaters hate it. Coat manufacturers love it. And those who love sunlight might hate it most of all. But what about your

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Holiday Season Stress and Your Hair

The holiday season is a time – or at least it should be – of closeness, good will, random acts of kindness, and special gatherings of family and friends. For others, it’s a time of despair at worst, and added stress at best. Memories of loved ones gone forever, a recent break up, losing your

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Moisturize Your Hair with Mineral Oil

Mineral oil, an odorless and colorless liquid, is often added to skin and hair care products as a moisturizing agent. While it is a by-product in the production of gasoline, the type used in cosmetics is highly purified and FDA-approved for topical use. Today, we look at mineral oil’s potential hair health benefits and explore

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Bedtime Habits for Healthy Hair

Sleep is a beautiful thing. This nightly ritual allows your body to rest and recover from the day. Adequate, quality sleep helps reduce stress, helps maintain a healthy weight, improves memory, improves attention and performance, and can reduce your risk for serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes. You know what else happens during

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Alcohol and Hair Loss – Does One Affect the Other?

The average person sheds between 50 and 100 hairs each day. So, seeing a few strands on your brush or comb shouldn’t alarm you. But what if you suspect you’re losing more than what’s considered normal? Well, before you look too far, look no closer than that beer or glass of wine that might be

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The Facts About Seasonal Hair Loss

Come autumn, leaves aren’t the only things ready to fall. For many, the cooler months also bring an increase in hair shedding. Seeing more hairs on your hairbrush, on the bathroom floor, or in the shower can make you one feel anxious and wonder what might be coming next. In most cases, the answer is

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Is it Dandruff, Or Something Else?

You enjoy wearing dark clothes. Black and dark blue suits, chocolate brown hoodies, dark grey team sport shirts. Darks just seem to be “you.” Nice fashion statement, but there’s just one problem. Nothing highlights dandruff like dark suits and tops, and no matter what you do or which anti-dandruff shampoo you try, it’s not getting

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The Relationship Between Weight Loss and Hair Loss

So, you’ve decided to embark on a weight loss journey; a step towards making significant changes that will benefit your health and appearance. And while your goal is to lose weight, you certainly don’t want to sacrifice your hair along the way. Yet the fact remains that weight loss can lead to hair loss, especially

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How to Protect Your Hair from Wintry Conditions

Frigid temps, blustery winds, and dry indoor air can do a number on your hair, drying out the scalp and making the most luscious of locks look flat and dull. And while moving south for the winter might not be an option for you, there still are ways you can outwit the elements. Here are

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Factors That Stimulate Hair Loss, Including Stress

As you age, it’s common to notice changes in the thickness, texture, and color of your hair. But that doesn’t mean you should feel happy about it, especially if you can’t think of any reason why.  Here are some factors that most often to blame on your bad luck: Age – Both men and women

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How Water Quality Affects Your Hair

When most people choose a place to live, they often consider factors like proximity to school or work, urban versus suburban setting and, of course, budget. Water quality – including the presence of a well or city supply – should be equally high on the list of priorities. That’s because hard water conditions, if they

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These Super Foods Promote Healthier Hair

The average person’s hair grows about half an inch per month, or roughly 6 inches each year. Yet the rate at which hair grows is largely dependent on such factors as genetics, age, health, hormonal fluctuations, and diet. While you can’t do much to change things like genetics and age (try as we might), you

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The Effects of Smoking and Hair Loss

You don’t need to be an MD to understand the negative effects smoking has on one’s health and appearance. It causes lung, throat, and mouth cancer, prematurely ages your skin, stains your teeth, and has an odor that lingers long after the cigarette is done. And now, studies show a link between smoking and hair

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The Leading Benefits of Hair Transplant Surgery

Of course people get hair transplants to improve their appearance. But that’s not the only point. For many, their hair is one of the most important physical features and plays a major role in confidence and self-esteem. Yet for those struggling with thinning hair or baldness, the confidence boost and joy derived from “good hair

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Is It Time For A Hair Transplant? Questions and Answers

In life, the more you know, typically the better off you are. This is especially true regarding one’s health and planned or required procedures. Long gone are the days when people willingly or otherwise were kept in the dark about their bodies, conditions, and treatments. In fact, doctors, nurses, and other medical staff rely on

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Does a Hair Transplant Deliver Natural Looking Results?

What’s your biggest fear about having a hair transplant? Most likely it’s this: people being able to spot the unnatural look of it even from a distance. Fair point, especially since you’ve no doubt seen the result of “rugs”, shoe polish, and plug-ins before. Older hair transplant techniques often removed large strips (grafts) of skin

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Hair Styles that Have Come and Gone

Style and design trends come and go. Some types may have disappeared for years of even decades, and then suddenly come back in vogue. Others manage to stand the test of the time, even with a tweak or two. And then there are styles and trends that, once gone, remain gone. You know, like 8-track

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The Impact of Hair Loss on Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is what we believe about ourselves and how we think others see us. Self-esteem can be high and accompanied by a sense of pride, or low and accompanied by feelings of shame. For those who experience thinning hair or baldness, such unexpected changes in appearance can have a serious impact on self-esteem, especially when

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How to Stimulate Hair Growth

Waiting for your hair to grow can feel like watching paint dry. Unfortunately, the paint will long be dry before you notice a difference in the length of your hair. And while it’s hard to pinpoint exactly how fast hair grows, since the growth rate varies, one can expect to see about half an inch

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How Long Should A Hair Transplant Last?

Those considering hair transplant surgery often wonder how long they can expect the transplant to last. Well, for starters, hair transplants involve removing hair follicles from a donor section of your scalp and transplanting them to the affected area where they will continue to produce healthy hair growth on an otherwise thinning or bald area.

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Who Should Not Have Hair Transplant Surgery?

For those experiencing hair loss, hair transplant surgery offers a permanent solution that delivers natural looking – and feeling – results for men and women alike. However, not everyone is a candidate for this procedure, and for a variety of reasons. If you’re considering hair transplant surgery, read on to find out if it’s right

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Baldness Cures from the Past That Failed

People have been searching for baldness cures for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. We’ve seen our fair share of failures along the way, but historical baldness blunders have paved the way for more effective hair restoration techniques. Thomas Edison once famously answered a question in a head-spinning way.  When a reporter asked, “How did

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Hair Transplant Myths Debunked

Hair transplants once were known to be painful along with appearing unnatural and unrealistic. Fortunately, times have changed and so has technology, thus paving the way for hair restoration procedures that yield amazing, natural looking results. Yet common misconceptions persist, some of which can prevent people from seeking out effective hair loss solutions. Let’s turn

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How a Keto Diet Impacts Healthy Hair

For many, the ketogenic (or keto) diet can be an effective way to lose weight. But like all diets, it isn’t without its share of potential side effects, including a change in the health and condition of your hair, and even hair loss. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce and even eliminate

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The Basics of Hair Transplant Surgery

“You don’t know what you have until it’s gone.”  If you had a dollar for every time someone spoke those words to you…well, you’d have at least a few more bucks in your pocket. And yet that cliché – as tired as it might be – still hold water when it comes to thinning or

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The 7 Common Stages of Hair Loss

Hair transplant surgeons, doctors, and researchers use several classification systems to measure the extent of male pattern baldness. The most prevalent among them is the Norwood scale – or, the Hamilton-Norwood scale – first introduced by James Hamilton in the 1950s and revised by O’Tar Norwood in the 1970s. It measures the severity and pattern

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What Your Hair is Telling You About Your Overall Health

You can’t help but notice and think about your hair every day. Is it tidy enough so you can venture out, even to run an errand? Is it time for a trim? Oops, you might just need to little color touch-up. You get the idea. Beyond playing an integral role in your appearance, hair can

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Can Dehydration Cause Hair Loss?

Can dehydration cause hair loss? Our bodies need a steady supply of water, not only to function properly, but to thrive. Yet it’s estimated that only about 25% of the population drinks the recommended daily amount of water. In fact, while you read this, your body may be lacking the water it so desperately needs.

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It’s Never Too Late for Hair Transplant Surgery

No matter where you are on a hair loss journey, chances are you can successfully undergo a treatment plan to restore not only your hair, but your confidence, too. Eligibility Male pattern baldness can start as early as adolescence. As a rule, the earlier you begin to lose it, the more hair loss you will

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Self-Care During Home Confinement

These are unusual times. Unusual times call for blogs that step away from the mainstream of our hair transplant practice to provide you with timely information on how to cope with the simple act of daily living. This blog goes to press at the end of March 2020. It’s relevant now and, unfortunately, we’re confident

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What Causes Thinning Eyebrows

As you age, certain bodily changes start taking place. Some may come on so slowly and subtly, you barely notice them from year to year — like laugh lines and crow’s feet, stray grey hairs, and thinning eyebrows. That’s right, our eyebrows can show signs of aging, too. Here’s why your eyebrows might be thinning

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Shampoo Ingredients to Avoid, and Why

Your health is your precious commodity. Hence, all the public focus on regular exercise, adequate rest, proper nutrition, and other healthy habits. In fact, you might be an avid label checker, scrutinizing packaged food items at the grocery store and only selecting those that help you achieve a healthy lifestyle. But what happens when you

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How Fast Does Hair Grow?

On average, the hair on your head grows about half an inch per month. Seems surprisingly slow when you think about how quickly that 5 o’clock shadow or leg hair stubble starts to appear after shaving. Yet the rate at which hair grows varies from individual to individual and can be influenced by several factors.

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How to Choose a Hair Transplant Doctor

After years of hiding under a hat, creative haircuts, and even trying the bald look, you’ve finally decided to take the plunge and have hair transplant surgery. You’ve researched all the options, procedures, recovery time, and expense and now it’s time to schedule a consultation with a hair transplant doctor. Yet selecting one has you

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How Aging Changes Your Hair

Whether or not you find yourself becoming wiser as you age, one thing is certain – age brings about a slew of physical changes, some more subtle than others. One such noticeable change is graying hair. For some, this process can begin as early as their twenties or even late teens while others don’t notice

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What’s True, And What’s Not, About Hair Loss

When you first notice your hair thinning, it’s probably not the best of days. You wonder if you’re seeing things, you mutter “Why me?”, you check your comb or brush to view the damage, and then start tracking it a day at a time. If your suspicions are confirmed, you’re also likely to turn to

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Do Hair Extensions Cause Damage?

Whether it’s to add length, fullness, a bold pop of color, or any combination thereof, many women turn to hair extensions to improve the look of their locks. Yet some argue that hair extensions can be damaging to one’s natural hair and scalp. In fact, it’s a common question for anyone considering hair extensions. And,

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What Causes Post-Partum Hair Loss?

Pregnancy and motherhood are inspiring, exhausting, all-consuming, and rewarding. It is the ultimate roller-coaster ride of emotions. And yet for m any, post-partum recovery, sleepless nights, and the challenges of navigating life with a new baby are enough to make you want to pull your hair out. Don’t worry, post-partum hormones will that for you.

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Does Shedding Lead to Greater Hair Loss?

Everyone sheds hair. In fact, the average person sheds 50 to 100 hairs a day. And while it’s a normal and natural process, hair loss can be a little scary. But can shedding indicate excessive hair loss? Some people’s shedding exceeds the norm. For others, hair stops growing back where it once did, resulting in

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Does Fast Food Affect Hair Loss?

How Fast Food Affects Hair Loss Drive long enough and you’re bound to see a fast food joint – or five – in your travels. And sure, fast food restaurants are great for a quick bite when you’re on the go, or a celebratory burger and shake because your preschooler game home with a gold

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Thinning Hair Do’s and Don’ts

When it comes to hare care there are some basic rules to follow, like avoiding over-washing, brushing, and processing. Simply put, the less managed your hair, the healthier it will be. For anyone with thinning hair, basic care just isn’t enough. Thinning hair requires extra special attention to look its best. Now, bid dull, lifeless

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Am I a Candidate for Hair Transplant Surgery?

If you’re tired of trying to hide your thinning hair, bald spot, or receding hairline with sprays, hats, and creative styling tricks, perhaps it’s time to consider a better, more permanent solution. There are lots of hair  restoration options out there, including transplantation surgery. But not everyone makes for a good candidate. Here are some 

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Resolve to Maintain a Healthy Head of Hair

A new year calls for new goals. And while many focus on eating better, dropping a few extra pounds, decluttering and minimizing, few focus on their hair. Yet if you’ve ever had a “bad hair day” – and who hasn’t – you know how it can affect your mood. On the flip side, a “good

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The Potential Impact of Stress on Hair Loss

Not only can stress impact our ability to function and handle day-to-day tasks, it can trigger physical reactions such as acne breakouts, brittle nails, and even hair loss. Keeping up with the demands of work, home, and family are certainly contributing factors, or at least can be. Add in illness or a traumatic experience and

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How to Care for Thinning Hair

Several factors can lead to thinning hair. Heredity, certain medications, chemotherapy, illness, and high levels of stress all can take their toll on a full head of hair at varying rates of speed. Overuse of harsh chemicals is another contributing factor, potentially causing hair to break while giving the appearance of hair loss. And given

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5 Common Causes of Hair Loss in Men

Hair loss is like a sniper. It can strike without warning, and from almost anywhere. Not a very pretty way of looking at it, but it’s true. What’s more, hair loss can come on “just like that” or more gradually – not just affecting your scalp, but potentially your whole body. And, as you no

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How Diet Affects Hair Health

While using the right hair care products can improve hair health, diet also makes a big difference. Find out how to keep hair stronger and healthier with nutritious food. Start Strong With the B Vitamins Vitamins B6, B9, and B12 are integral to the creation of red blood cells, which transport nutrients and oxygen throughout

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How Often Should I Wash My Hair? Hygiene Tips for Preventing Hair Loss

According to statistics from the American Hair Loss Association, nearly two-thirds of all men will experience some noticeable hair loss by the time they reach the age of 35. Baldness or thinning hair is primarily caused by genetics, but hygiene can also play a role in hair loss. While specially-formulated hair care products can provide

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Am I Stuck With My Genetics? Breaking Down the Causes for MPB

There are many elements of human anatomy that are unchangeable. From face shape to eye color, many traits are coded into DNA from birth. Does male pattern baldness fit into this category? It’s time to weed the myths out from the facts. Old Wives Tales Many people believe that male pattern baldness is the mother’s

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How Well Do Hair Transplants Match Original Hair Color?

Hair transplant recipients often wonder if their new transplanted hair will match the hair naturally growing immediately around it. The truth is, it varies from patient to patient. For example, someone who has experienced little to no graying should experience one consistent color, while someone whose donor area had previously turned gray may notice two

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The Mane Issue: Common Causes of Female Hair Loss

Losing hair can be scary, especially when it happens suddenly and unexpectedly. While we typically hear more about hair loss in men, it happens almost as often in women. It’s important not to panic when a few extra strands fall out in the shower, as there are numerous causes for female hair loss. Natural Causes

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How Can Stress Cause Eyebrow Hair Loss?

When most people hear the phrase “hair loss” their mind goes straight to the top of the head and hair loss associated with balding or thinning. Some people don’t realize that the hair on a person’s eyebrows can be just as vulnerable to the effects of stress, and a loss of eyebrow hair can be

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Three Benefits of Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant surgery has gained attention in recent years. Many folks like the idea of surgery that lasts but are unsure of the results associated with it. If you are experiencing hair loss and would like a permanent solution, here are three benefits to having hair transplant surgery. Your Hair Will Look Natural Among the

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When to Return to Work Following a Hair Transplant

While the recovery time after a hair transplant procedure varies from patient to patient, there may be visible evidence that a transplant has taken place. However, this depends on the type of hair transplant that you have. For example, after the follicular unit transplantations (FUTs), patients will leave the office with only small staples at

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4 Myths About Rogaine Debunked

When it comes to hair loss, Rogaine (minoxidil) is one of the most commonly mentioned options for male pattern baldness and other thinning hair issues. If you’re considering hair restoration, here are four facts behind oft-repeated myths about this medication. 1. Myth: Rogaine doesn’t actually work. It’s smart to be skeptical about products that promise

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Will My Hair Transplant Results Look Completely Natural?

When a hair transplant is done right, the results can look completely natural. You’ll be able to wash it, style it, cut it and run your fingers through it just like real hair! Skill and technique has a lot of effect on how a hair transplant turns out. Dr. DiStefano has over 20 years of

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5 Common Hair Loss Causes in Teenage Girls

While uncommon, hair loss in teenage girls does happen. This can be emotionally traumatizing for a teenage girl. During this time of her life, teens are just discovering who they are so it can be difficult to deal with something that makes them stand out from their peers. Especially when it’s something they have no

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Hair Transplants in Hartford Connecticut

DiStefano Hair Restoration Centers offer hair transplants and hair loss restoration procedures in Hartford. Connecticut’s Capital City and birthplace of the first FM Radio station, the Boys & Girls Club and Teddy Roosevelt’s first car ride. Harford is the home to 125,000 residents that boast a diverse offering of cultural attractions, entertainment, restaurants and some

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Scientist Discover Why Hair Turns Gray and Goes Bald in Mice

Researchers from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center have stumbled upon the gene that causes graying hairs and baldness in mice! They were studying a rare genetic disease that causes tumors to grow on nerves and happened to find a protein called KROX20.  This protein turns skin cells into hair shaft cells which leads

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Tips for Hair Transplant Recovery

So, you just got a hair transplant! How exciting! Soon, you won’t have to wear a hat all the time to hide your receding hairline or bald spot. It is important to remember that a hair transplant is still a medical procedure, so there are some things you need to do to make sure recovery

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Geneticists Find Genes linked to Baldness

Researchers at the University of Endinburgh said that they identified close to 300 genetic regions tied to baldness. Before this latest study, only a handful of genes have been identified. The research team looked at more than 52,000 men and were able to pinpoint the genetic regions that were linked to severe hair loss. The

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Study Shows Stem Cells Could Treat Hair Loss

Hair loss affects nearly 56 million people in the United States. Four surgeons are trying to change that. Currently, a new clinical study is testing stem cell treatments in a non-surgical procedure. Overseas trials in Japan and Egypt are already showing signs of success. With current hair loss procedures, hair transplants only move hair around

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Men Putting Themselves At-Risk at Unlicensed Clinics Abroad

Earlier last month, the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) released a consumer alert warning of the increasing numbers of unlicensed individuals performing hair restoration surgery worldwide. Patients that are desperate for cheap hair transplants are travelling to Turkey and India to have procedures done. Many men often return to the US requiring further

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Women’s Hair Loss – The Truth About Tight Pony Tails

Ultra tight and slick pony tails have become a staple for fashionistas and has become a go to for many women looking for a chic and simple hair style. Women not only like it for its sophisticated look, but for its Croydon facelift effect, pulling the skin back to make their cheekbones look more enhanced.

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Foods for Healthy Hair Growth

Eating right is often over looked when talking about hair loss. The link between diet and thinning hair is a well-known fact. Your body needs the nutrients to be able to grow strong healthy hair.  If you have a poor diet, it can lead to thinning hair and hair loss. Hair loss can be a

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Winter Hair Care Tips

Winter hair shedding happens to most people in the North East. Most don’t notice but the cooler and drier weather can affect your hair. Here are some tips to stop hair loss in the winter by looking at the most common causes of winter hair loss. A big cause during the winter is stress. The

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Does Dry Shampoo Make Your Hair Fall Out?

Dry shampoos have exploded in popularity recently. Many women are using dry shampoo instead of washing their hair and it has raised questions on whether it can damage your hair or even make it fall out! Let’s go over some facts about dry shampoo. First, it’s not really shampoo. Shampoo is used on wet hair

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Hair Transplant Procedures Jump over 15% in One Year According to ISAPS Global Survey Results

There is a growing trend in hair transplants according to the ISAPS Global Survey. Thinning hair and baldness are now a thing of the past as more and more people are opting for hair restoration procedures to regain their confidence. Hair Transplant Surgeries Increase Dramatically in 2015: Procedure 2015 2014 Percentage Hair Transplant 134,019 115,946

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L’Oreal Working on 3D Printed Hair Follicles

The large cosmetics firm has partnered with Poietis, a French bioprinting company, to research and develop a new technology for 3D printed hair follicles that grow hair! Currently, tissue engineering techniques are limited but the two companies believe they can come up with a process to bioprint a hair follicle. The new technology uses laser

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Why Is My Hair Falling Out? Teenage Hair Loss

We usually associate hair loss with older adults because for many people, it is a part of getting older. However, teenage hair loss is a common problem that many teens aren’t prepared for. This is because many teens just aren’t aware that it could happen to them at such a young age. For teens, it

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New Study Identifies JAK Enzyme Inhibitor as Possible Hair Loss Cure

In a study published by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center, inhibiting a family of enzymes inside hair follicles that are suspended in a resting state can restore hair growth. The researched conducted experiments on mice using drugs that inhibit the Janus kinase, or JAK, family of enzymes which resulted in rapid hair growth. JAK

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Is Seasonal Hair Loss a Myth?

A common issue that most aren’t aware of is seasonal hair loss. During the summer, we all love to lie in the sun and swim in chlorinated pools. This causes hair to become damaged, discolored, dry and brittle and many people shed hair in July and August because of this. There is no need to worry though!

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Beware of Wen Hair Care!

The FDA is currently investigating complaints against Wen Hair Care, a product line sold by a Hollywood hairstylist. In the past few months, there have been over 21,000 complaints against them. Thousands of customers have reported hair loss after using the product. Wen Hair Care is advertised as a hair-cleansing product. The cosmetic industry goes largely unregulated

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Review On Hair Loss Treatments Products

You might want to blame your kids, spouse, or that noisy neighbor for your hair loss, but the issue could just be hereditary. No one wants to deal with hair loss, yet about 2/3 of American males are going to experience some type of hair loss by the age of 35. According to the Reviews.com

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How Many Hairs Should I Shed a Day?

The average person has about 100,000 to 150,000 hairs on their head. Shedding 30-50 hairs a day is completely normal. When you start seeing 100-150 strands of hair a day, that is when you should think about seeing a doctor or specialist. The most common causes of hair shedding include heat damage and diet. Heat

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Does Rogaine Work for Receding Hairlines?

Rogaine, also known as Minoxidil, is an FDA approved topical hair loss treatment that works by increasing blood flow to the scalp. This extra blood flow can cause hair follicles to be revitalized and slow down or prevent hair loss. The best way to get the results you want is to be consistent with use. 

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What is the Best Hair Loss Treatment for Men?

This is a tough question because there are so many variables that go into deciding what procedure to use.  Before you decide on what kind of treatment to use, you must determine the cause of the hair loss.  Hair loss can be temporary or progressive. Temporary hair loss will usually fix itself. Things like stress,

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What Are the Only Things that Can Prevent Hair Loss?

According to the American Hair Loss Association, common male pattern baldness (MPB) accounts for more than 95% of hair loss in men. Whether your hair loss is due to genetics or age, it can be frustrating and many cosmetic companies claim to have a product or solution that prevents further hair loss. But when it

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Popular Hair Loss Myths – What Really Causes Baldness?

In this week’s blog, we debunk popular hair loss myths and tell you what really causes baldness! There are many myths out there that may scare you but here’s the truth: Wearing a Hat Too Often Will Cause Baldness – This is untrue. This myth was designed to stop teenagers from wearing their favorite hats

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Scalp Micropigmentation: A Modern Procedure to Restore Your Style

Dr. DiStefano offers a cutting-edge procedure in the hair loss restoration field that can help you camouflage hair loss without surgery: Scalp Micropigmentation. The process involves repeatedly mimicking the natural hair follicle on the scalp to create the appearance of a more dense and full head of hair. Scalp micropigmentation is non-invasive and can eliminate

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Healthy Hair Habits

Dr. DiStefano’s team offers the best hair restoration solutions in New England. The practice prides itself on restoring your confidence by offering great hair transplants and hair loss restoration techniques to transform your hair. Along with the various procedures that Dr. DiStefano offers, are simple steps you can take on your own to improve the

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Restoration Resolutions

After celebrating the holidays and ringing in the New Year, it’s time to establish and work towards your new year’s resolutions. Most commonly, people strive to improve their lifestyle, work on their appearance, or accomplish new personal and professional objectives – it’s time to make the one simple change that can achieve all of these

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Hair Loss Restoration Maintenance

Congratulations on your completed, or soon to be, hair loss restoration! You are one step closer to full, beautiful hair. Now that you have invested in having a hair loss restoration procedure, you’ll want to help move that growth along (or maintain what you have in the meantime). While there are many treatments available that

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Cold Weather Causes Hair Loss?

Fact or Fiction? Top hair transplant surgeons explore the seasonal hair loss myth. Perhaps you’ve heard that we lose between 50 and 100 hairs each day, or that hair loss increases in the winter months. While the former fact is true, the latter is indeed a myth. Dry air and winter hats may contribute to

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All Your Eyebrow Restoration Concerns Resolved

Many popular trends come and go, but the bold eyebrow look appears to have staying power. Since the fad of razor thin brow lines faded out in the early 2000’s, bolder and fuller eyebrows have been on the rise. Many people even fill in their brows with pencil to create a more dramatic look. So

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The Quiz

If you’ve been on the fence about getting hair loss restoration…it’s time to climb over it. Take our quiz to see where you stand. 1. Are you insecure about your current hair appearance? A great hair transplant can restore your luscious locks and youthful appearance. If you want to feel confident when you look in

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The Perks of Looking & Feeling Younger

Some experts claim that a great hair transplant can take 10+ years off of your appearance. While that number differs for everyone, it’s undeniable that hair loss restoration gives you a more youthful appearance. Below is a list of the age related advantages that a great hair transplant could yield for you. 1. A great

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Follicular Unit Extraction – Use IGT™Instead of NeoGraft™

Everyone knows that follicular unit transplant is the best hair transplant method in the modern hair loss restoration community, but not everybody knows that the actual follicular unit extraction method matters. When you get a follicular unit transplant, follicles are harvested from a piece of the scalp that is taken from the back of the

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Start Your Hair Loss Restoration Early

If hair loss runs in your family, chances are that you’ve been dreading the day that it becomes noticeable. Perhaps your hair has already begun to thin and fall out. Maybe you’ve started the process of exploring your hair loss restoration options? At DiStefano Hair Restoration Centers, we offer many opportunities including surgical and non-surgical

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More Common and Less Noticeable: a Trend on the Rise

Everyone has seen those terrible hair loss restoration fixes – hideous hair pieces on night time sitcom stars and obvious plugs on the weatherman. Think Donald Trump. For a long time, people experiencing hair loss problems were hesitant to engage in any hair restoration processes, and rightfully so. Dated, indiscreet fixes resulted in painfully obvious

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If Not Now, When?

If you’ve been going back and forth for the last few months trying to decide if hair loss restoration is right for you…stop. There’s no time better than the present! Summer is the perfect time to make a change that will leave you feeling fresh and confident. Our top hair transplant surgeons have been working

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For Beauty and for….Protection?

As you watch your thinning hair spiral down the shower drain, do you ever wonder why it is there in the first place? Why do we grow long hair on our heads, and shorter hair above our eyes? It’s all about protecting the body. Ask any top hair transplant surgeon and they can tell you

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Hair Loss Remedies of the Past

While many reliable hair loss restoration techniques have only been discovered in the last century, the issue of hair loss itself has been plaguing our heads for thousands of years. Before follicular unit transplants, grafting, and platelet rich plasma therapy, some rather interesting hair loss restoration procedures and ointments existed. Ancient Egyptian concoctions included crocodile

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The Ins and Outs of Hair Loss

Balding and thinning hair is a common occurrence, but it doesn’t always happen the same way for everyone. The first step to determining the right hair loss restoration plan is recognizing and understanding what type of hair loss you have. The top hair transplant surgeons can assist you in this process, but if you want

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All About The Brows

Eyebrows are unique to each face and we all know that they can come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some are super bushy, some are perfectly arched, and some blend into the dreaded unibrow. After staying out of the spotlight for many years, brows are suddenly receiving a lot of attention as well

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A New Kind of Hair Accessory

You just got the absolute best hair transplant …now what? Perhaps consider investing in some bold new accessories? Scrunchies, headbands, bobby pins – no, we’re not talking about that kind of accessory. We’re talking about eyebrow restoration. With a thick head of hair, you’ll need full defined brows to match. When hair loss begins to

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Don’t Let Your Confidence Get Washed Down the Drain

It’s no secret that our outward appearance can really dictate how we feel inside. Our self-esteem is directly correlated to many things, one of which is our outer image. As humans, we are designed to observe certain physical traits of others that tell us whether they’re healthy, youthful, and essentially, if they would create strong

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The difference between good hair transplants and great hair transplants

The deciding factor in the quality of your hair transplant is, without a doubt, the quality of your hair transplant surgeon. Often times, the first step of your hair loss restoration journey will be finding the best hair transplant surgeon. How do you know if they’re the best? They should have several key qualities. Experience

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Top Hair Transplant Surgeons are Always Innovating

Like other industries, hair transplant technology is changing at a record pace. New innovations in robotics, platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, NeoGrafting and other technologies have increased hair follicle survivability during the transplant procedure. All of these technologies have helped eliminate the tell-tale signs of the old hair transplant procedure. The best hair transplant surgeons spend

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Determining the best hair transplant surgeon from all the rest

There are many top hair transplant surgeons out there. Sadly, there are also a large number who might be called less than the best hair transplant surgeon. So, how do you find the best hair transplant surgeon? Is there anything that the top hair transplant surgeons have in common? First, any hair transplant surgeon you

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Could it be that someday the best hair restoration may not involve surgery at all?

Right now, the only known permanent cure for male pattern baldness is hair restoration surgery. Turns out that in the distant future the best hair restoration may not be in how you transplant new hairs into a balding area, but how you pluck hairs out of the area. According to scientists, in a recently published

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Hair restoration at the cellular level. Is it possible?

Some day the best hair transplant, may not come from finding the best hair transplant surgeon. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania may have come a small step closer. But first, a little hair biology is in order: It takes two kinds of cells to make hair grow. Epithelial cells which make up the actual

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The day of your hair loss restoration surgery: What to expect

You’ve decided to go through with hair loss restoration surgery. You’ve consulted with the doctor, you’ve determined what you want and talked about what the expected outcome should be. Now that the day of surgery is at hand, what will that day be like? When you arrive at the DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Center, you

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Hair loss in women: what the best hair transplant doctors know

By the time they reach 50 about a third of all women experience hair loss. The percentage rises dramatically as women age. The best hair transplant doctors approach hair loss differently in women than men. Women don’t suffer from the tell tail signs of male pattern baldness, which is largely due to genetic factors. Women

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Distefano Hair Loss Restoration Centers has top hair transplant surgeons.

How can, at DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Centers make the claim that we have the top hair transplant surgeons? First, we are dedicated to hair loss restoration and only hair loss restoration. There has been an increasing tendency for regular doctors and plastic surgeons to buy an expensive machine and then a traveling hair loss

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Financing options for hair loss restoration.

With any type of surgical procedure there are usually significant costs involved. This is also true of hair loss restoration surgery and other cosmetic procedures relating to hair. Of course, traditional healthcare insurance doesn’t cover these kinds of cosmetic procedures. However, there are ways to ease the cost burdens of hair loss restoration. At DiStefano

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Is a AMAP mega hair loss restoration session right for you?

20 years ago, hair loss restoration was done one follicular unit transplant at a time, and 120 total grafts was considered typical. Now, doctors regularly do AMAP sessions (it means “as many as possible”). How many is that? In these mega sessions, it is routine to do 4,500 follicular unit transplant grafts in eight hours

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Best Hair Transplant: NeoGraft™ versus IGT™

At DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Centers we perform two types of hair transplant techniques, Follicular Unit Transplant, wherein a strip of donor hair is removed from the back of the scalp and divided into individual follicles which are then transplanted to areas needing hair. The other method is follicular unit extraction, wherein follicles are extracted

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Best hair transplant. Worst hair transplant. What to avoid.

Micrograft hair transplants—the careful transplanting of hair follicles containing from one to three hair shafts—revolutionized the way hair transplants were performed. In a very short period, men and women who had significant hair loss could have a normal looking head of hair. Today the micrograft procedure is the gold standard and simply the best hair

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Women and hair loss restoration.

It’s not news that women don’t experience hair loss in the same way as men. Still, it’s estimated that about 35 percent of women will experience mild to moderate hair loss by the age of 50. Unlike male pattern baldness, which is the major cause of hair loss in men, women experience hair thinning and

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Where do you get the best hair transplant? From the best hair transplant surgeon.

Ok…that may seem obvious. But what is less obvious is how to tell who the best hair transplant surgeon is. Medicine being what it is, the best hair transplant surgeon would be board certified by the American Board of Surgery. Or, perhaps the American Board of Plastic Surgery. It might also be the American Board

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Sometimes hair loss restoration doesn’t require surgery.

There are many things that can cause temporary hair loss that you might not know about. Before you call in the hair restoration surgeon and get a transplant to achieve hair loss restoration here are some things to look at. Certain medications and vitamins can cause hair loss. These include vitamin A, blood thinners, drugs for

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Robotic hair loss restoration surgery. The good. The bad. The ugly.

In recent years, robotics has come to the fore as an indispensible device for certain kinds of surgery. You’ll find robotics used in heart surgery, knee surgery and many other kinds of orthoscopic surgeries. In 2005, robotics entered into hair loss restoration surgeries. The NeoGraft device is basically a motorized punch that removes follicular units

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Fixing bad hair transplants. The key lies in finding the best hair transplant surgeon.

Once burned, twice shy. That ubiquitous rule is especially true when, what was supposed to be the best hair transplant, didn’t exactly work out as planned. At DiStefano, we see a number of patients who have received poor transplants. There are a number of reasons these hair transplants went badly. Chief among these are a

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Hair Loss Restoration-After Care

So, your hair loss restoration surgery is complete. The hair restoration surgeon said “everything went very well” and you now have a few thousand (or even more) newly transplanted hair follicles in the areas that needed new hair. Now, caring for those tender follicles is up to you. Fortunately, not much is needed. But it

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Understanding hair growth (and loss).

Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re primarily concerned with hair loss restoration. But, a good working knowledge of how hair grows can help you understand how and why hair loss occurs. The average adult head has about 100,000 to 150,000 hairs. It’s typical for most people to lose about 100 hairs a day. You

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Hair Density…why it matters.

How much hair you have on your head in a given square inch, and how thick it is, has a large effect on how your hair looks. A hair restoration surgeon knows this and will spend a lot of time determining your hair density. The average hair density of the human scalp is about 2,200

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What’s telogen effluvium? Your hair restoration surgeon knows.

There’s more to hair loss than male pattern baldness. One cause is a problem called telogen effluvium. Put in simple terms it is hair falling out after pregnancy, high stress, dramatic weight loss or major surgery. Certain medications can also cause the problem. Hair loss is usually noticed about three to six weeks after one

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Follicular unit transplant (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE). Which kind of hair transplant is right for you?

If you’ve been considering getting a hair transplant it’s important to note that there are two basic procedure. In one, called follicular unit extraction (FUE), hair follicles are removed one at a time from the back of the scalp and transplanted one at a time to the recipient area. In the other procedure, called follicular

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Don’t fall victim to hair loss restoration scams.

Hair loss restoration researchers are pretty sure that when there is too much DHT hormone in the scalp, hair follicles shrink and hair falls out. They think it’s the cause of most baldness. The only way to restore or prevent hair loss is to block the effects of DHT, or get a hair transplant from

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A weekend’s worth of training. Is it enough to learn to do hair transplants?

Consider the plastic surgeon who recently bought a brand new NeoGraft automated hair transplant system that does follicular unit extraction. The surgeon took a weekend seminar and before you new it, he was doing hair transplants. Does NeoGraft work, yes? Is a weekend long enough to become proficient and highly competent? At DiStefano Hair Loss

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A short story on long hair loss restoration.

With traditional hair loss restoration, the hair is cropped close; both at the donor site as well as the area to receive the hair. This give the hair restoration surgeon a clear view, lessens the chance of infection and allows the procedure to go more quickly. But recently, a few hair restoration surgeon offices have

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Could medical micro pigmentation be right for you?

Medical micro pigmentation is a new procedure being offered by DiStefano Hair Loss Treatment Centers. Medical micro pigmentation is a non-invasive procedure that utilizes microscopic pigment injections just under the skin surface of the scalp to closely replicate hair follicles at the skin’s surface. One of the great things about medical micro pigmentation is its flexibility. It

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Five questions to ask your hair restoration surgeon.

When you commit to getting a hair transplant, you are putting one of your most prominent features—your scalp—in the hands of a hair restoration surgeon. It pays to do your homework, be thorough and ask the right questions. Any competent hair restoration surgeon will be happy to answer these questions. 1.  What is your background? The

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Years from now, will the best hair restoration come from a drug?

Right now, getting the best hair restoration from a can, or bottle, or pill is not possible. And while, Finasteride (Propecia) and Minoxidil (Rogaine) offer some hair loss restoration in lotion and pill form, respectively, their success varies among patients. And, neither can offer complete hair loss restoration. Still, there are more potential new hair loss

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Fact vs. fiction and five myths regarding hair loss.

Hair loss has many causes. Unfortunately, there are also many myths about hair loss, hair loss restoration and other misinformation. To help uncover truths and partial truth and dispel inaccuracies, here is what we know about hair loss and hair loss restoration. Myth #1: Trauma and stress can cause hair loss. Trauma and stress can

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Robots and great hair transplants. Do they go together?

Robots are used for doing everything from painting cars on a manufacturing line to performing delicate arthroscopic surgeries. So why not use robots to get the best hair restoration? You can certainly get great hair transplants from a physician who uses robotic assistance. But the bottom line is that the best hair restoration depends on the

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After hair restoration surgery. What the best hair transplant doctor will tell you.

Hair restoration surgery is considered a minor procedure. But even if you get the best hair transplant, keep in mind that it is still surgery. It therefore requires a period of healing after the procedure. As even the best hair transplant doctor will tell you, it takes time for the hair to begin to grow in

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Ultra-refined hair transplants.

When it comes to getting the best hair restoration, good things definitely come in small packages. Microsurgical procedures have made for hair restorations that are fuller, more natural and better looking. For the most natural look, a hair restoration surgeon typically grafts donor hair in the scalp in one session. Then, after the first graft

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Hair facts that even the best hair transplant doctors probably don’t know.

Amidst all the searching and research about finding the best hair transplant it’s nice to lighten up once in awhile. To that end. here are some incredible facts that even the best hair transplant doctors are probably not aware of. For example, did you know that hair stretches by more than 30% when wet? Hair

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Finding the best hair transplant doctor.

If you needed, highly advanced surgery, you would probably get a recommendation from your regular physician. Or, maybe you would consult with a surgeon at a major teaching hospital like Dartmouth, or Beth Israel in Boston. That’s just not possible when it comes to finding the best hair transplant doctor. One reason is because the

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Some facts about hairpieces and temporary hair loss restoration.

Call them hairpieces, wigs or toupees they’re all the same thing; human or animal hair carefully placed into a polyester or mesh base that is then temporarily fastened to the scalp. The only permanent hair loss restoration technique is through surgery. Depending on the base type, the maker’s skill, your hair type and the hair

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Want the best hair transplant? Here’s what to look for.

The best hair transplant surgeons have several traits in common. The most telling is that they’re all absolute sticklers for detail. Getting the best hair restoration surgery is meticulous work and much of it is done under a microscope. You want the best hair transplant doctor you can find to be really good at the

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Can lasers promote hair loss restoration?

Top hair transplant surgeons say the simple answer is yes. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been shown in studies to have a positive effect on hair growth. The laser light that is used is in a specific red spectrum wavelength. No one knows precisely knows why or how LLLT works in hair loss restoration. The

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Will stem cell treatments replace hair loss restoration surgery?

Scientists have grown liver, brain and other organ stills using stem cells. Might they use stem cells to regenerate hair growth on the scalp? Right now the only effective way to treat significant hair loss is through hair loss restoration surgery. Currently, there are two methods. With follicular unit transplant, a thin strip of scalp

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Winner announced in first DiStefano laser cap giveaway!

Sometimes the best hair restoration doesn’t involve surgery. As part of a special promotion, DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Centers has given away a Laser Cap that uses Low Level Laser Therapy to treat hair loss in men and women. Crystal Dow, from New Hampshire, was selected as the lucky winner of the Laser Cap. For

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DiStefano hair loss restoration centers presents the cycles of hair growth.

There is  a proper time for everything. This includes hair growth. You may not realize it but hair grows at different times. In fact, there are three phases: Anagen, Catagen and Telogen phases. After a hair loss restoration procedure, the transplanted hair begins to grow normally and the three cycles of hair growth return. Anagen

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Anatomy of a hair follicle. What the best hair restoration surgeon will tell you.

There are some who surmise that transplanting hair micro-surgicallly is simply a matter of removing hairs at the back of the head and installing them in small slits in the scalp as one would do with transplanting, say, a flower. It’s much more complicated than that. The best way to explain it is to start

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Hair loss restoration surgery is very safe. But it is high stakes since the whole world sees it.

What’s the difference between a great orthopedic surgeon who, say, does joint replacements and the best hair transplant surgeon who does hair loss restoration? An orthopedic surgeon’s joint replacement work doesn’t show. Get a bad hair loss restoration and it’s there, right on top of your head for the whole world to see, day in and

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DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Center’s Top ten reasons for hair loss.

We all lose hair. Lots of it. But hair grows back. When it doesn’t, baldness is the result. At DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Centers we know that there are many reasons for hair loss. Among males, male pattern baldness is the primary cause. But there are dozens of other reasons that men as well as

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Hair Loss? Much has been gained in the last 30 years.

If you look at innovative, life changing medical treatments in the past few decades, you have to include knee and hip replacements, organ transplants, laparoscopic surgery and mapping of the human genome at the very top. And let’s not forget stem cells. At DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Centers, we realize that the maturation and success

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The secret to great hair transplants? Hiring top hair transplant surgeons

Great hair transplants don’t just happen by accident. They are performed by top hair transplant surgeons. To find a good hair transplant surgeon, it pays to know what to ask. It also pays to know what you’re looking for when it comes to surgical hair transplantation. But before you start your great hair transplants search, start

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Introducing the celebrity hair loss restoration procedure

For decades, microsurgical hair transplants have been performed by either removing a small strip of hair from the back of the scalp, removing the follicles from the strip and transplanting them into the recipient area (called a follicular unit transplant). Or, by removing each hair follicle at the back of the scalp individually and then

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Laser devices and hair loss restoration. Do they work? Yes. but consult with the best hair transplant doctor to find out more.

There is clinical evidence that, when used properly, Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) can help limit hair loss. The FDA cleared LLLT as a treatment for hair loss several years ago.  Today, LLLT can be done in a doctor’s office or with the use of portable devices in the form of a handheld comb, a

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How to get the best hair restoration possible.

Great hair transplants don’t just happen. It helps to do a little homework. And while there are plenty of highly competent, carefully trained hair transplant doctors out there, you want the best hair restoration result possible. So how do you get the best hair restoration? Start by finding the best hair restoration doctor in your

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Two ways to get a great hair transplant.

Most who are looking for a great hair transplant know that the modern microsurgical procedure that transplants one hair follicle at a time replaced the “hair plug” method decades ago. What you may not know is that there are basically two different microsurgical procedures that result in hair loss restoration. The first is called FUT

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Hair Transplant Massachusetts? — DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Centers has you covered.

For those looking for hair transplant Massachusetts center, DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Centers is pleased to be able to offer two hair transplant MA locations. One is located at 10 Winthrop St. in Worcester. In Wellesley, there is a brand new state- of-the-art DiStefano hair transplant MA center located at 40 Walnut St. These two

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Great hair transplants? They don’t start with synthetic fibers.

Women get silicon breast implants. There are artificial knees, artificial hips, even artificial finger joints. Why not implant synthetic fibers to restore hair? Believe it or not, it was tried in the early 80s. But the results were very poor. In addition to repeated infections, fibers falling out and other medical complications, there were repeated

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DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Centers opens new treatment center in Wellesley MA.

Beginning January 1st you’ll be able to get great hair transplants in Wellesley MA. That’s because DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Centers is opening a new treatment facility there. Located at 40 Walnut St, Suite 202, the new, state-of-the-art surgical facility will offer the exclusive Individual Graft Technique (IGT™). The IGT method results in great hair

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Whether your looking for Hair Transplant MA, Hair Transplant CT, Hair Transplant RI, or Hair Transplant NH, Distefano has you covered.

DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration centers operates differently than the chain Hair Loss Restoration Centers. With chain operations, surgeons, technicians and staff are assigned to specific locations in a region or around the country. At DiStefano, chances are, we have the Hair Loss Restoration Center you’re looking for located in New England, but our doctors, who

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Getting to great hair transplants

The hair transplants of yesterday that made todays’ transplants possible. Today, thousands and thousands of people get great hair transplants every year. But it wasn’t always so. The very first transplants were done in the late 19th century by removing balding areas and drawing areas with hair together and stitching it closed. Results were poor,

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Five bad reasons for not choosing hair loss restoration

Reason 1: It costs too much. The cost for a hair transplant is probably less than you think. Even so, hair transplants can be done in stages. There are also finance plans available that make getting great hair transplants more affordable. Reason 2: It won’t look realistic. It’s extremely difficult to tell the difference between

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When is it time to look at hair loss restoration? Only you can decide

Getting a great hair transplant is the goal for many suffering from hair loss. Others decide to wait before getting hair loss restoration. How do you decide that getting a great hair transplant is right for you? And, when is it the right time to get that great hair transplant? Male pattern baldness is the

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DiStefano has many hair loss restoration centers throughout New England

You don’t have to live in the Boston area to get a great hair transplant. DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Centers has several offices located in New England. That means, whether your looking for a hair transplant RI or hair transplant CT, you can visit a DiStefano location. Right now, DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Centers can

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Getting the best hair transplant possible is still the only cure for male pattern baldness

The actual science behind the cause of hair loss is not well understood. While it is known that male pattern baldness (also called androgenic alopecia) is caused by the hormone DHT, it is not know specifically what DHT does to cause hair loss in genetically predisposed males. Not knowing the precise cause of male pattern

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A cure for baldness? Maybe… some day.

Will great hair transplants one day come from a prescription bottle? Researchers in Great Britain and the U.S. have taken a major step forward. According to lead researcher and associate professor of Molecular Dermatology at Columbia University, her team and researchers at the University of Durham have generated hair follicles that grow human hair. The

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Women and hair loss. The facts.

Mild to moderate hair loss occurs in about 30% of all women. Unlike men, the causes of hair loss in women are often due to factors other than male pattern baldness. In women, hair loss can be caused by a number of factors, including poor nutrition, emotional or physical stress, different types of medications, hormonal

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What the Best Hair Restoration Doctors do

Everyone wants the best hair restoration possible. To get that “best hair restoration,” people look for the best hair transplant doctor. So, what do you look for in a good hair transplant surgeon? Unlike other surgical specialties, the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) doesn’t certify hair transplant surgeons. However, a qualified, well-trained hair transplant

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Timeline to the best hair restoration result.

I don’t think anyone expects to see hair immediately start popping out of their scalp the day after surgery—even if they did find the best hair transplant doctor. Nevertheless, people are anxious and excited to get the best hair restoration result, so they want to know exactly what their hair transplant will look like when

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DiStefano Hair Transplant Boston patients have two great choices when it comes to hair transplants.

If you’re in New England and thinking about getting a hair transplant Boston is a great place to start looking for a surgeon. The DiStefano hair transplant Boston office is conveniently located in Newton, MA, making it convenient to all hair transplant Boston patients. Hair replacement procedures can differ between doctors. At DiStefano hair replacement

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The best hair transplant is a safe hair transplant

During the search for the best hair transplant possible, patients tend to become highly focused on how the transplant will look after the healing has ended and the hair has grown back (in 9 moths to a year). That is certainly understandable. But, the most important thing to consider is your safety and health. After

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Follicle facts…what even the best hair transplant doctor may not know.

The average person has about 100,000 hairs on their head. That’s about equal to the number of interesting (and even odd) facts about human hair. Here are some of our favorites: It’s impossible to tell whether someone is male or female by looking at strands of hair. Only bone marrow grows faster than hair. Hair

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The best hair transplant doctor needs the best hair restoration technicians

The search for the best hair restoration for most people is spent looking for the best hair transplant doctor. But even the best hair transplant doctor doesn’t go it alone. In fact, he or she relies heavily on a team of highly trained, dedicated technicians who carefully divide up hair follicles from the donor scalp

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The best hair transplant? It may not be a hair transplant at all.

You may be looking for the best hair transplant, but you might also benefit from low-level laser therapy (LLLT). It was an accidental discovery by a Hungarian scientist in 1967 that showed that visible red laser light in the 630 to 670 nanometer spectrum stimulated hair growth in mice. It has long been known that

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Hair Follicle Science and finding the best hair transplant doctor

The best hair transplant doctor knows that all hair follicles are not alike. If you think about it, that makes sense. Not all hair is alike. Curly hair, wavy hair and straight hair have follicles that work to create these kinds of hair. The best hair transplant doctor will always take these differences into account.

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Hair Transplant Connecticut—Making the right choice.

When it comes to getting a hair transplant Connecticut has many different choices. But you have to be careful. It pays to do your homework and ask the right questions. Does the hair transplant Connecticut surgeon have a long track record of experience doing hair transplants? Is the hair transplant CT surgeon a member in

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A great hair transplant doesn’t happen by accident.

Who is the best hair transplant doctor? That’s a personal decision that only you and your doctor can answer. Still, there are some objective considerations that can help you get to the best hair transplant doctor for you. A great place to start is with your family doctor. He or she will likely have heard

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If you’re looking for a hair transplant Connecticut is a great place to start.

Great hair transplants don’t just happen by accident. It takes a great hair transplant doctor to get great results. So what happens if you don’t have a great hair transplant surgeon in your area? “That’s one reason we have several offices throughout New England,” says Steve Matteo, a hair loss restoration consultant at Distefano Hair

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How safe is hair loss restoration surgery?

By far, the most important factor when it comes to getting great hair transplants is the skill of the hair restoration surgeon. Another factor to receiving great hair transplants is the methods and procedures used by the hair restoration surgeon. It is important to determine the best method for your particular hair loss restoration. For

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Best hair transplant secrets to a natural hairline

Everyone is different. This is especially true when it comes to hairlines. Some are high, some are low. Some peak in the front while others recede near the temples. Because everyone’s hairline is different, how do you get a hair transplant with a hairline that looks natural for you? The best hair loss restoration surgeons

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An eyebrow transplant? A hair restoration surgeon can help you decide.

Constant plucking, tweezing and plain old genetics can make eyebrows stop growing. Some people lose their eyebrows entirely. Others only lose their eyebrows partially. The good news is that, just like hair on your head, eyebrows can be treated with drugs. They can also be transplanted to look just like they did before they stopped

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Hair loss restoration without surgery?

The best hair transplants look great. But whether you’re getting a hair transplant or not, you should keep as much of your original hair as possible. It’s possible using prescription and non prescription hair maintenance products. Drugs Hair maintenance drugs such as Minoxidil and Propecia (Finasteride) reduce the effects of DHT a hormone that causes

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Women and hair loss restoration. It’s more common than you think.

Men’s hair replacement surgery is common. But, the truth is 40% of women are apt to lose or have thinning. Men normally experience the classic male pattern baldness, wherein the hairline recedes from the forehead—often until the hair is missing from the front, top and crown of the head. In women, thinning usually occurs in

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The day of hair loss restoration surgery: What to expect.

You’ve made the commitment to get hair loss restoration surgery. But what can you expect on the day of surgery? While hair restoration surgery is considered a minor, one-day outpatient process. But, it is often a lengthy procedure that often takes up to eight hours. For this reason it pays to wear comfortable clothes. When

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Hair loss restoration takes science. Making it look good takes artistry

The science of surgery is a wondrous thing. When it comes to great hair transplants, science and incredible skill are responsible for allowing hair follicles to be removed from the donor area, divided into follicular units and then transplanted into the recipient area. But, achieving the best hair transplant requires an artist’s touch. Hairline, hair

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New hair loss restoration surgeon joins DiStefano

Christian G. Heinis, MD has joined the staff at DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Centers and is working closely with Mark DiStefano, MD, founder of the DiStefano Hair Loss Restoration Centers. Dr. Heinis graduated from the Chicago Medical School in 2000 and did his residency in emergency medicine at Suny Downstate Medical Center, Kings County Hospital.

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The best hair restoration requires the best hair transplant surgeon.

You’ve heard the phrase “results my vary.” It’s especially true when it comes to finding the best hair transplant surgeon. That’s because great hair transplants come from surgeons who have spent years perfecting their craft and honing their skills. The science of extracting a follicular unit (1-4 hairs) from a small strip of donor hair

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Hair Restoration Surgery with Minimal Cost: What’s Your Best Option?

How do you get a hair restoration surgery for minimal cost? Well, if you have already done some preliminary research, you probably know that hair restoration surgery can be fairly expensive. So, while there can be no standard answer as to how much the procedure will cost you, you can be sure that it will

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Follicular Unit Extraction vs. Follicular Unit Transplantation.

A follicular unit is the natural make up—one to four hairs — that grow on your head. When a hair transplant surgeon grafts hair into place he takes these follicular units and transplants them into the balding area of the head to achieve the most natural look possible. There are two ways to get the

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Pitfalls to Avoid When Planning to Have a Hair Transplant in Massachusetts

Are you planning to have a hair transplant surgery in Massachusetts? If you are, then you should choose an extremely competent hair restoration surgeon who will put your interest on top of anything else. Keep in mind that a lot of things can and may go wrong if you don’t choose the most qualified surgeon

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FUE Hair Transplant in CT: A Viable Solution for Female Hair Loss Problems

Women who are looking for a more permanent solution for female pattern baldness should consider undergoing hair transplant surgery in CT. While there are several medications available to treat serious female hair loss, a lot of women are now going for follicular unit extraction (FUE) to take care of their hair problems. In fact, about

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Painless Hair Transplant Techniques: Solve Your Hair Problems without the Pain

Are you an ideal candidate for hair replacement but are still hesitant to go under the knife for fear that your chosen option will bring you excruciating pain? Well, you don’t have to be afraid any longer. Most hair transplant techniques are now virtually painless – especially if you choose the right hair restoration surgeon

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4 Questions to Ask Before Undergoing Follicular Unit Transplant Surgery

So, you and your hair loss doctor decided that you need to undergo a follicular unit transplant procedure to keep you from going completely bald. Well, since this can be one of the most important decisions you have to make for yourself, you need to take the time to choose your hair restoration surgeon very

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Eyebrow Restoration Options for People with Hair Defects

Some people may think that eyebrow loss is a trivial issue. After all, don’t you usually take them for granted? Well, that may be the case until they start thinning out. So, what causes eyebrow loss and how can you stop it in its tracks before it becomes too late? When should you consider eyebrow

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FUT Hair Transplant in Massachusetts: Why Should You Consider It?

Should you consider an FUT hair transplant? How does it differ from the FUE technique and what are the major advantages of choosing this option? To learn more about FUT hair transplant and to determine if it will best serve your needs, here are some things you definitely need to know. FUT Hair Transplant 101

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Why Finding the Right Hair Restoration Surgeon is a Good Investment

Finding the right hair restoration surgeon can actually be the best investment you can ever make. Considering the severe emotional impact that comes hand in hand with losing one’s hair, the cost of having the procedure is definitely a small price to pay – especially if you can get back what you have once lost.

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All About Scars: Follicular Unit Extraction and Getting Rid of Scars

How long does it take to get rid of the scars resulting from follicular unit extraction? While Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) simply leaves small white dots where the follicular units have been harvested, some people are still concerned about the appearance of these small, hypo-pigmented areas. So, how bad can it be? Will these scars

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4 Simple Tips in Selecting the Best Hair Restoration Doctor

What makes the best hair restoration doctor? How can you be sure that you have chosen the best hair loss doctor to take care of your hair problems? Well, while most specialists working in this field are honest professionals who put their patients’ interest before anything else, there are also some who are not as

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Low Level Laser Technology: One of the Best Hair Restoration Options

Did you know that Low Level Laser Technology (LLLT) can help you solve your hair problems? You may not believe it but this breakthrough technology is considered to be one of the best hair restoration treatments available for people who are experiencing hair loss. So, how can this revolutionary treatment help in treating your hair

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Know More about the Best Hair Transplant Options for Women in MA

What are the best hair transplant options available for women in Massachusetts? Well, if you are among the rare breed of women who qualifies for a hair transplant procedure, both FUT (follicular unit transplantation) and FUE (follicular unit extraction) can give you the result you need. So, how do you know which option will work

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Hair Transplant in MA: A Guide on Choosing the Best Service

Are you looking for a highly qualified hair transplant surgeon in Massachusetts? If you are, then you need to make sure that you find someone who can get you results that you can be happy with. How exactly do you do this? Here are some tips that can help you get the best hair transplant

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Follicular Unit Extraction Vs. Strip Surgery: Which One Is Right for You?

What is the difference between follicular unit extraction (FUE) and strip surgery? What are the pros and cons of these techniques and how do you know which one to choose? To help you make a more informed decision regarding the matter, here are some things you need to know. FUE and Strip Surgery 101 –

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Men’s Hair Replacement: Options Available in CT, United States

Are you getting more than a little concerned about your thinning hair? Are you starting to feel the emotional impact of losing your hair? Is the condition getting in the way of your social and professional life? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, it is high time for you to find the

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Hair Loss Restoration and Your Age: Why Does It Matter?

Should you consider undergoing a hair loss restoration procedure as soon as you notice that your hair is thinning out? Well, if you are still under 25, it will be a lot better if you will wait a few more years before getting a hair transplant. Here’s why. Hair Loss Restoration – Why Wait? Most

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Stop Hair Loss with the Appropriate Hair Regrowth Therapy

For most people, hair loss is more than a mere physical change. The condition entails significant psychological and psychosocial effects that may severely diminish a person’s self-esteem. Thankfully, however, such effects can be negated by growing the hair back by means of hair regrowth therapy. Understanding the Effects of Hair Loss Hair loss can be

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Surgical and Non-Surgical Treatments for Hair Loss: Beating the Odds

How do you fight back against hair loss? How do you win a seemingly losing battle? It is alarming to note that about 30 million men and 20 million women in the US are battling with hair loss. Thankfully, however, there are now a number of surgical and non-surgical methods that can help you grow

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Female Hair Loss and Chemotherapy: How Can You Prevent It?

Why do cancer patients sometimes suffer from hair loss when undergoing chemotherapy? Well, as you all know, chemotherapy is widely recognized as the most common and most effective treatment for cancer. However, the powerful medications used in fighting cancer cells cannot distinguish the difference between the target cells and normal healthy cells. As a result,

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Hair Re-Growth in Donor Area after Hair Transplant Surgery

A lot of people are interested to know whether or not hair will grow back naturally at the donor site after undergoing hair transplant surgery. Well, the short answer would be ‘no’. Since entire hair follicles and the surrounding cells are completely removed from beneath the scalp surface, hair re-growth in the donor site is

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Why You Shouldn’t Leave a Hair Restoration Surgery Incomplete

Are there any problems that may arise from leaving a hair restoration surgery incomplete? Well, unfortunately, there is a major issue that may present itself under such situations. Leaving a hair restoration surgery incomplete may result in unnatural hair appearance, a condition which may only be corrected by undergoing another surgical procedure. Why Does This

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Interested in Taking Propecia? Ask Your Doctor for Hair Loss about It

While Propecia has been proven to be quite effective in treating male pattern baldness, it is strongly advised that you consult your doctor for hair loss before taking this prescription medicine. Why can’t you just take it without asking your doctor about it? There are several reasons. Why You Shouldn’t Take Propecia without a Prescription

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Total Crown Renewal: A Revolutionary Hair Transplant Technology

Living with hair loss and a receding hair line can be quite a challenge. It can invoke feelings of depression, embarrassment and jealousy, as well as severely affect a person’s social life. Thankfully, however, there is a revolutionary hair transplant technology that can help you get your hair back in no time – the Total

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